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Everything posted by TNF

  1. What is the objective of "Over the Top"?
  2. Fly the Hunter to Downtown and destroy the upper complez of Mendez's fortress, then when you are shot down, fight your way to the roof and defeat Diego and Martinez?
  3. Yes, it's Armadillo. Your turn.
  4. No. The Hunter is an attack helicopter, keep guessing.
  5. Correct. Where is the Emergency Vehicle Crane?
  6. Where does the Tank appear at 100% completion?
  7. Correct. What do you need the plans he is carrying for?
  8. Who do you kill in "The Panlantic Land Grab"?
  9. Drive the van with explosives into the tunnel beow Fort Staunton, set it off, and escape?
  10. Correct. Which shop is right next to Didier Sachs? (Triple question)
  11. Yes. What is Rodeo based on? (double question)
  12. Where is Didier Saches, name the street and City.
  13. Yes, both are in the desert. Your turn.
  14. To sit in the boat Salvatore is driving and shoot at the secret service chasing you?
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