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Everything posted by TNF

  1. Cool, here is the next Q. What kind of car is always parked outside Salvatore's Mansion?
  2. Yes, I will check out the Fox channel, at Night time.
  3. Yes, that's right. And I will answer your question. The Helicopter can be obtained in the mission, Calm before the Storm, and False Idols. You can ask another question.
  4. Sorry, that is incorrect, but you can have another go.
  5. It is called " The Porter Tunnel" My question: Who drives a Thunder Rodd in one of the main missions?
  6. I have an unopened can of fresh diet coke with me now, time to drink.
  7. I need Diet Coke to survive, If I go 20 minutes without Diet Coke, I start to feel tired. I even have a Diet Coke Userbar.
  8. I'm fine, I just drank a whole bottle of coke.
  9. Yay, after about 15 tries, I got animated userbars working! what's up everyone?
  10. That is correct. It's now your turn to ask a question.
  11. VCS and III, Victor Vance was a cool badass, he was was not like CJ, who never stood up for himself and let Tenpenny push him about, Vic Vance would have slapped Tenpenny in his f***ing mouth if he gave him sh*t. And Claude, is arguably the best, even though he never talks, he always kills, he was never loyal to the people who gave him work, he would always kill them (Kenji and Salvatore) and only does it for the money, he even kills Maria at the end credits and never whined or screamed like a b*tch, which was what CJ would often do.
  12. I eat Pancakes with steak Pie and Starburst's.
  13. Let's talk about food. I like Pies!
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