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Everything posted by Hit_Em_Up

  1. Lets see how many people think that AMD is the best shall we? I think AMD is the best.
  2. I liked the fact that you could go into the houses and shit. Even though Rockstar was a bit of a lazy ass when it didn't make each and every house different. The least they could've done was to make the windows transparent so you can see through them to the outside. The fact that you buy a 100,000 dugget farm and IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A frolicking GARAGE YET IT HAS SO MANY SHEDS AND SHIT is just a bunch of bullshit.
  3. Sold who out? Maria mentioned to Salvatore that Claude and her had a bit of "fun" when they were together(maybe that mission where you took or picked her up from that party that got raided by the po-po). That made Salvatore mad because she was his personal piece of ass and he didnt want some asshole coming in and taking her from him. Anyway Claude got his revenge on Maria at the end of the game: During the credits scene after you kill Catalina you hear Maria say:"Oh I broke a nail, Im all dirty, and my hair is ruined, can you beleive it, this is gonna cost me 50 dollas" then you hear a gun shot noise because it is Claude killing her for frolicking him over so much. I haavent played that game in years but I remember all the missions and everything else in it for some reason.
  4. See here, this is all bullshit right here. When will people stop bitching about M rated games and/or trying to get them off the market completely? KIDS PLAY VIDEO GAMES. VERY FEW PEOPLE AGES 18+ PLAY THEM(the majority of video game players has always been ages 8 to 18, even though in some rare occurences(I have been a witness to one of these) old people ages 35+ play video games, but not very many.). KIDS WANT VIOLENCE, AND SEX(beats the hell out of searching for it on the internet >) ), AND "FOUL" LANGUAGE IN THEIR VIDEO GAMES. In case you over-protective parents out there haven't noticed, but go to your kids school for 1 day, listen to all the bad language being spoken in the hallways. I remember when I was 5, I was playing Jurassic Park for the Sega Genesis console(back in the good old days), I said "god d*mn raptors, mother f*ckers", and then my mom would say "Hey, dont cuss, mother f*cker". In fact I got kicked out of preschool(at the age of 5) for cussing to much(and for pissing on the "principal", breaking my cot at nap time(My cot was moved into the office for some reason.... >) ), and for keeping everyone else up during nap time). Walk down the hallyways at your local highschool, all you hear is "f*ck this n****r" and "my math teacher is a c*nt because she gave us homework". Parents, get used to the fact that this country has a sad future coming(thanks in part by the X and Y generations) and you need to STFU, watch what your kids are playing, check your internet history after your kid(s) has been on, and other stuff if you dont like the fact that you are in America where there is a little ammendment that says "you have the right to express yourself "freely"". God I hate parents.
  5. What is needed in the next game: FIRE be able to shoot peoples arms and legs off be able to take portapotties(with people in them) and throw them over a cliff be able to kill a bunch of hippies for no reason be able to take your foot and shove the business end of your shoe, up any of your gangs behinds when they walk into walls and wont stop doing it. No car shadows under bridges when you walk under them SEPARATE THE FINGERS(at least the middle one) Be able to fly next to a passenger airline so you can shoot it down and watch it crash into the city below. Thats some good stuff
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