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Everything posted by Joelzaar

  1. Do the deal if you like Kate more OR do revenge if you like Roman more. Revenge: Kate dies. Deal: Roman dies.
  2. Is there anyway to avoid downloading the patch?. Its sucks that fraps wont work on it, i was really looking forward to using some pic's for new sig's.
  3. How do i make an offline account? wouldnt it need to confirm it or something?
  4. I mean "have to get" as in do i have to get it even though i will probably do it later on.
  5. Iv just recently bought the game but havent installed it. When i install it i wont have to get the patch will i? iv got real bad net and cant get the patch if its more than 35MB's in size.
  6. How does the game look on the lowest settings? will it look the same as the console versions or worse?
  7. How big is the patch? iv got real slow net. Very good news by the way, where can i download it?
  8. Iv got a brand new Toshiba but i stuffed up the main connection but im using LAN from my main computer now so i can activate it!. Will i be able to run it though? iv got a very good graphics card but i dont know any spec's of my PC. But it can run every game iv ever played on it at full everything. Oh and do i have to sign in to R* Social Club or Windows Live each time i play just to save my game? and can i play the main game without having to be connected to the internet all the time?
  9. Your graphics card cant handle it. It requires a minimum of 512 MB Video memory. My computer will no doubt be able to run it since i have more than what the recommended is!
  10. But does it need an internet connection to install the game? i play all my games on my laptop but it wont connect to the internet. Can anyone tell me if i just wasted $100?.
  11. I think this mod will die at some point before release. Theres to much work and it hasnt even got a beta point yet. Sorry but a thumbs down from me
  12. Very old news. But good work on finding it out yourself.
  13. I saw this one coming from a mile away. If they did it with SA what was to make them change they're minds?
  14. Notice also on the plates of the Diablo(original) that it has NY 625 on it.
  15. Mine crapped out at 89%. Had to get it at work in the end.
  16. Please use the search engine in the future.
  17. If your going to make a car you'll need Zmodeller but its not free.
  18. A few hours after i wrote that it got released.
  19. Iv got a real prob here, I have updated my PS3 to v2.52 but now it wants 2.53. I live in Australia but the aussi website doesnt have the update and i can only get it from the site to my PC at work because my net at home is too slow. When can i get it from the site?
  20. Im not going to help him. He's another desperate loser doing a bet with his friend who is a girl, she probably was only joking.
  21. Oh i didnt see that part under last update that says what version its for. Oops!
  22. Seona Dancing - More To Lose. Im sure anyone from the U.K and phillipines will know them.
  23. Winehouse shmeggegy and ausenfsufer. Most random post ever.
  24. Anybody here got a 100% savegame for v1? there's only one here but its not even past the woozie missions.
  25. Add me fellow players! PSN: Joelzaar
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