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Desert Fox

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
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    United States

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    United States

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  1. Hey, lol i havnt been on in months

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  2. 12 :P. Anyways... Im hoping for another member! lets hope we get active

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  3. Hey TOXIC can you make me a graphic size 300x200 i need it to be a skull and instead of crossbone cross Ak-47's and under the skull in san andreas font make it say Rebel Mafiyai want the skull to be based on this Also i would like a matching avatar size 64x64 make a couple samples like with different colors or a sweet background whatever you think would look good i will pay thanks man.
  4. No i didn't want the Bear one i scratched that request here is what i needed a graphic size 300x200 a skull and instead of crossbones cross Ak-47's make the skull and the guns black and under the skull make it say Nine Tre Mafiya in San Andreas font also a matching avatar size 64x64 since you went through the trouble of making the bear graphic if you make this graphic i will pay double. Use this skull.
  5. Hey Z scratch that last request here is what i need a graphic size 300x200 i need a skull and instead of crossbones cross ak-47's make the skull kinda like this under the skull in san andreas font make it say Nine Tre Mafiya you can make a couple samples in various colors but i definatly want it to be black or red i will pay thanks. oh and a matching avatar size 64x64.
  6. Z can you make me a graphic size 300X200 of a grizzly bear like a ferocious one and under the bear make it say BEAR all capital letters in san andreas font thanks dude i will pay if needed also an avatar size 64x64
  7. The All Out Kings is a clan for Call Of Duty 4 on Xbox Live we are a fairly new clan so we are scouting members we need members asap so we can start training for MLG if you are intrested or know someone who might be intrested you can reply in this topic or send me a friend request on Xbox Live my gamer tag is DesertFox7Bravo.
  8. My Call Of Duty 4 clan All Out Kings is looking for new members if you are intrested in joining reply to this post or instant message me dirtyghettokid7@yahoo.com
  9. Alright cool thanks. I really like it. I will send you 440$ right now. Ok how much would you charge me just to make this picture larger? Hey Z i need a big favor i need a graphic size 300X200 i need a skull in the center AK-47's instead of crossbones and under the skull i want it to say in san andreas font color white All Out Kings and make another so i can compare which i want make it same size 300X200 skull AK-47's All Out Kings color white red background San Andreas font but instead of a bandanna make a silver or cold crown this is for my gamebattles account base it on this
  10. become a member of the site and tell me when you have done so www.deviantminds.co.cc OK,I registered:D Ok can you make a graphic for the site here is how we want it well we want it to say Deviant Minds maybe like in red and kinda like a cartoony logo something to do with Deviant like a bad little kid or something just be creative and show me some samples we need em done asap thanks.
  11. become a member of the site and tell me when you have done so www.deviantminds.co.cc
  12. Hey Z we need an art admin for our new site and we want you to make us some graphics you intrested?
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