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Everything posted by Vrage

  1. Actually I can envision Seattle, I used to live there...however it would be a lot like gta3 because you have the downtown area, then like south seattle (subburbs),and seatac airport. - the only thing that would be fairly neat would be the shitty cars that can't make it up the huge hills, and the speed you would pick up going down them. -throw in some clogged drains after a few rains and you can have like 4-5 ft puddles on intersections. Toyko would rock, I liked that idea, but as for the comment about being easy because it's small... NO FKN WAY! that place is massive. on the subject.....PARIS! think of like ronin, the transporter, or frantic. plus there can still be a lot of mixed races.
  2. Stinger all the way....fast, handles sick, and has a great constitution. -don't know if it's SA yet, just started.
  3. here here, the graphics to me seems a little sloppier than VC so far, maybe because they seem bigger. -but the all balls car to me has always been the "stinger" -the thing hauls and corners on rails, but I am so new at SA I don't know if that car is in the game yet. (hope so!)
  4. I'm gonna go "fido", not because of any specualtion, gangs, or just to fight popularity.... but this was the original badass that made GTA....GTA! the first 2 (plus london) I have barely seen, but they are a bit lame... but pay some respect for the original baddass for taking down copters, killing triads, and leading the dark world to what ist is now....even without: crouch, flying, or bikes!
  5. Dave angel remix of -Love story ( with the crazy indians......lalalalaladady.........and monkey beats) (inserted over files)
  6. ya I started a post about "steering" I did fine with gta3 and VC camera angles (on pc), but same complaint on SA, plus walking and shooting can be crap too you're right.
  7. tried that too....-however if you get close to a building or obstruction, you can't see where you are at...I just saw a new post about "camera angles suck" too. best thing I have come up with so far is trying not to touch the mouse, but I Ebrake with it.
  8. I wasn't exactly the answer I was looking for but thanks anyhow. I actually got this on PC vs. xbox because I like keyboard controls.....just that stupid camera!!!! -plus I play at work....lol.
  9. ok, I just got my game yesterday, and tweaked all the controls to suit me much like they were in VC, plus the additions....BUT! the mouse is the camera which I have to follow myself in the car with, so I keep wiping out into things!!!! why doesn't it just lock onto where I'm driving? -it's kinda like the "can't walk and chew gum" thing. (I use the arrows to drive, and right click for Ebrake) any advise appreciated!
  10. -Just like the real tittie bars....."there is no sex in the champagne room" lol
  11. sorry about format -my first post here. I am looking for a little more help on what platform to buy. I have PC and xbox. I have played gta3 and VC both on PC and was very happy. (I am not very good with the xbox controller) -however I saw the car driving has changed on PC. any more insight from owners on PC??? thanks!
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