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Everything posted by Littlesegall

  1. Yea I guess. Paint.NET is pretty good, but once you deselect something, you can't transform it unless lassoing it. It gets very annoying. Lasso Tool in Paint.NET it's fucking annoying! It isn't magnetic Extremely.
  2. Yea I guess. Paint.NET is pretty good, but once you deselect something, you can't transform it unless lassoing it. It gets very annoying. Yes. Gimp I have also used before I bought photoshop CS3 extended for $200 at Academic superstore. It's great for a low budget designer. By the way, I also made a new signature. Please rate and comment!
  3. Yea I guess. Paint.NET is pretty good, but once you deselect something, you can't transform it unless lassoing it. It gets very annoying.
  4. Here are some of the tributes I made to Thomas. 's Graphic series. Thomas, if you're reading this, I think you're amazing. San Francisco, USA Dublin, Ireland Zurich, Switzerland Please don't think I'm copying him because I have no imagination, 1st of all, I'm not copying. It's a tribute. Second. it's a free country, and I choose to freely worship Thomas. Tell me what you think.
  5. yea probably ill change it right now. There we go!
  6. This may be my new signature. Since I got so much crap for my PSP one, I worked a little harder on this one, using the gradient mask effects, and like you said, toned down on the bevel/emboss. Please tell me what you all think.
  7. A little too humongous; a typical sig would be 500x180 pixels... Thanks! I'll resize it and get it back to the thread. Ok there is my new resized one. And the bevel isn't that bad. It is readable
  8. Well this is my new signature. Threw it together in five minutes and thought I would trash it, but I actually liked it. Used 5 photoshop layers. Please C&C&R (comment, critique, rate)
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