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Everything posted by Littlesegall

  1. yea sure man There is it. this is the code: http://www.imagelodge.net/imgs/guest/sdsfaasdfwi6.png
  2. Thanks, but the tricky thing it, the words arn't words. I couldn't find their fonts, so I found pictures of them on the net and made them into brushes, so I cant help it if it is pixelated, because the brush it stretched. This is just a little idea I had, not meant to make it into anything big. Thanks for the criticism
  3. I know the first one looks like toxics one, but I am just seeing what it would look like it I tried it out. Here they are. Please comment
  4. Here they are. And yes I did make these.
  5. Thanks, it's just I got so into it I for get about the details, like font size and borders. I will remember next time, though
  6. ^ eats shit for breakfast <is awesome next person want to be sautomized with a baseball bat
  7. flesh n bone: avy- 2/5 sig- 2/5 personality- pretty cool guy
  8. People who think they can play guitar because they beat fucking guitar hero on expert
  9. I was walking down the street one day, admiring myself, then I saw a TV in a window. It was a commercial about pregnancy test. It was pretty normal, a floating stick thingy with some brit woman talking, then this yellow liquid floats down onto it, and the British woman says "ClearBlu Pregnancy tests: The most sophisticated piece of equipment you'll ever pee on" Everybody watching immediately either shit themselves with laughter, or called the company in protest. The point of this story is: People these days are very stupid when it comes to advertising ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ The point of this is to write about something stupid you have seen or are seeing, then just quickly say when people are stupid. I have done that above ^
  10. lol wtf: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_y...28190755AA3Id93 and this one made me shit myself laughing: http://i37.tinypic.com/2wnsp6w.jpg and read the answer for this one: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_y...04154203AAVBNL0
  11. o sorry my bad. Yo huck check out the thread for the baywalk hoodlums new sig. I made another, and it's great
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