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Everything posted by Precision

  1. This is the screenshot page. http://www.atari.com/rollercoastertycoon/u...nshots&video=on
  2. This topic is outdated, I will move this topic to the Trash Can.
  3. You have to cross the state to get to Las Vegas, I hope they will include that too.
  4. Please don't post in caps. But about the mountains, I think they're going to be too high to get on, in Vice City there were buildings on which you couldn't land on. So I don't think they'll bother to make snow on top the mountain.
  5. *Moved to General GTAVC Discussion* Yeah, I think there is one.
  6. FlaesK_, they already have that.
  7. I like the last one more, with the train and the freeway.
  8. In this picture, at the right top corner, you see an airplane. Is this going to be the new dodo?
  9. San Andreas is going to have a version of Las Vegas right? Is the game going to include parts of California and Nevada?
  10. When I was searching for more commercials, I found something funny. Instead of the voice-actor of Konstantinos, it said Konstantinos.com. I visited the site, it's not really anything special, but it was a nice secret.
  11. I hope you post that trailer soon, it'll probably be great.
  12. Bleen is a combination between blue and green. It's a by far more catchy than glue or grue. (Green/blue)
  13. Blue looks awesome, but I chose bleen.
  14. It was a little hard to find, but I had already seen it, but it's definatly worth to watch.
  15. When I was searching on www.cheatplanet.com, I discovered a cheat, Police Motorbike. It said: (http://www.cheatplanet.com/ps2cheats/grand_theft_auto_vice_city.htm) Does anyone know if it' s a phony cheat or not?
  16. There is this song on the Aggressive Inline soundtrack, Monday Morning. But I already looked in the sound options, but for some reason they didn't mentioned the band. Does anyone know which band I should look for?
  17. Why didn't they use the bank on Portland then? With some adjustsments they could make it look almost the same.
  18. What's your point? Lazlow was in Vice City which was in the 80's, and if you would go back another 10 years, he wouldn't be in the game. Luckily San Andreas is set in the 90's.
  19. Why did they bother to put it in the game? Would the opening scene not work without it?
  20. I've played Star Wars: Jedi Acedemy at a friend, and I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I loved it. The online mode is really funny, does anyone else owns this game?
  21. Please don't make double negatives. But you're right, they aren't special.
  22. Are you talking about me? Someone brought this topic back up, so I thought it was new, so I guess you're right about that.
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