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Posts posted by Samil

  1. The mansion is pretty cool but seriously ... only 2 rooms you can enter.Exept the room with the weapons and shit, the only rooms you can enter are your office and the living.Would have been more awesome if it had more rooms like a kitchen or bedroom, or a bathroom for crying sakes.Where is Tommy peeing? In the pool?! And talkin about pools well ... it's hard to call them pools, the helipad I think is the only cool thing in there.And now ... doesn't Tommy take out the garbage? That place stinks.

  2. Normal or sea? Ah I'll tell all of them.

    1.Somewhere near downtown where you go upstairs in the mission G-Spotlight.Near that shack hideout lol.

    2.Behind Vercetti estate

    3.On the roof of the building where you chase that Shark gang member.

    4.Somewhere near Phil's place, I think near Auntie Poulet's place.

    5.On the roof I think on apartment 3c.

    Hope you can understand.

    Name all locations for the hunter.

  3. Damn you americans are lucky.But me ... I'm in a badly effected area.Let's just hope this shit will work and we won't end.Althrough the end of the world is when God says it.And I hope he didn't say this today.Right now ... this is like a poker game.You loose and you die, you win then you survive.

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