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Posts posted by NickS

  1. Hope this answers your questions. I probably won't be posting back here, considering R* have confirmed the they belive eerything in GTA SA has been found, and all the new ones people are finding, they are just looking to hard - like with those things carved into that desert mountain. R* have confirmed that they are not Aliens, and anyone who thinks that is looking to hard.

    the hat just was a lil strange to me is all...i know its nothin big but just a lil strange why its there lol.......agreed SA been out for 5 years everything has been found but i guess its fun for the noobs who are just now playing the game for the first time

    The hat looks funny :lol: Maybe it's just a decoration for the city.

    I wonder how these people find all of those mysteries especially the ones that are hard to find like the suicidal peds and the bodybags (there not actually that hard to find when you know where to start lookin' for)

  2. i guess that would be kool but in my opinion i think the game would have no real storyline feel me....besides there are mods of having all the gta main characters....but again just for the fans i think that would be awsome :thumbsup:

    It is to me and my friends :awesome:

  3. (sorry if this has been posted before).....i was chillin in the lil rpob inn and i notice if you kill the peds (not the ones that word there such as the bartender and the pool table guy) then walk to where the ufo pics are then back to the pool guy another ped shows up.....did i find a new glitch and has this happen to you??? :weird:

    Damn! I forgot where the lil prob inn is, can you tell me where the location is?

    Also I never killed any peds in there so I don't know and I want to find out if happens in my game.

  4. @snow_flake

    waa... in that link there was a Suicide Pedestrian...i never heard that before ~_~

    That was the first mystery that I saw... Here's a map on where to find it

    EDIT: The map also tells you more stuff and it also tells you where to find the ghost car, the wheelchair, the silver vibrator and others


  5. People say the windows glow at night at the Cult Farm house too. I don't know where to find the farm and it seems quite interesting to look at (especially at night) any hints on where it's located at?

    I found the place its on the map and is named "The Farm".

    What is strange is that when you go there...there's a repeating ped that'll ride a tactor to the back of the farm....meaning if you follow that ped then come back to the front of the farm it'll be another ped on a tactor doing the same thing....wierd because i guess they disappear and when i did go there i took a mavrick landed it got out went to the back of the farm came back and my my heli was gone kind of creepy.... :wtf:

    Thanks man :thumbsup: ! I'm gonna find that hellofa farm.

    Also, if you want to hear the chainsaw noises, go to the panopticon cabins and make sure you go there between 4 pm and 2 am when the weather is stormy coz that's when you hear the chainsaw noises (you have to listen carefully though, the rainy noises covers the sound a bit)

    who remembers the big secret???

    What big secret?! :dribble:

  6. I drove it very carefully and slowly.

    Be careful when you hit the bridge though. As the slope increases depending on your speed you may take flight (shortly).

    Your right! It works!

    I had to do it twice coz when the bridge went up, I forgot to stop it and it fell into the ocean (that was dumb!)

    • The Cult Farm House - A mix between Edd Giens house and the house in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (TTCM)
    • The chainsaw noises that come from The countryside

    - U.F.O: Umm, thats a mod to! Those light trails in the sky aren't UFO's - Try looking in the sky at night in R/L and your bound to see at least 1 - They are lights from the wings of planes

    People say the windows glow at night at the Cult Farm house too. I don't know where to find the farm and it seems quite interesting to look at (especially at night) any hints on where it's located at?

    I've heard the chainsaw noises at the countryside during the afternoon when its stromy (which is creepy when you play at night).

    And those light trails in the dessert I always see some everytime and once I went up there with a jet and to take a closer look and those are just balls of lights travelling in the sky. I don't think those are actually lights from wings of planes.

    as said before most of them are mods....some myths are in the game such as.....the well (forgot what city it was in its in the country though)....lil prob ufo pics.....the wheelchair on the boardwalk(also in the country out on a lake)....the zombie tech place in San Feario...also in the same place the tall brown or bronze tower(wasnt that the dna thing??)....(sorry havent played gta in a while thats why im forgetting anyway back on topic)....the ghost cars....the bodybags in the hole....the ghost graffitti in the graveyard in Los Santos....alot more...try looking for them on the forums n go check em out if you want

    I've seen the wheelchair, the zambotech place, the ghost cars, the bodybags and the ghost graffiti and I still don't get why they are myths :pissed: . They just seem like interesting things to look at

    idk i guess people like to make believe to much but it is interesting to find n watch

    Maybe they were bored and tried to make other people go crazy looking for these myths. :awesome:

  7. Since it's impossible to fly the dodo in the game (to me it is), how did you guys get the dodo all the way to the import/export garage in Portland harbour? I'm trying to find a way here and I can't find a solution

  8. as said before most of them are mods....some myths are in the game such as.....the well (forgot what city it was in its in the country though)....lil prob ufo pics.....the wheelchair on the boardwalk(also in the country out on a lake)....the zombie tech place in San Feario...also in the same place the tall brown or bronze tower(wasnt that the dna thing??)....(sorry havent played gta in a while thats why im forgetting anyway back on topic)....the ghost cars....the bodybags in the hole....the ghost graffitti in the graveyard in Los Santos....alot more...try looking for them on the forums n go check em out if you want

    I've seen the wheelchair, the zambotech place, the ghost cars, the bodybags and the ghost graffiti and I still don't get why they are myths :pissed: . They just seem like interesting things to look at

  9. it has happen to me too (in the ps2 version) they would run away in the other direction afther killing some of them. Also when your waiting for the next wave they would pop up but go arond the block trying to get to you i hate that lol. As you said about chasing them down yeah that sucks always got a lil upset when i had to do that lol :lol:

    That has never happend to me in PS2. maybe it's becoz my GTA SA is a pirated copy (the PC game).

    Sometimes the second wave would pop up and just stand there (which is better than running the other way :lol: ) does that ever happen to you?

  10. myths and mysteries i've ever heard are :

    - bigfoot

    - leather face

    - CJ mom ghost

    - U.F.O

    - zombie

    i dont know and never sight them all, most people said that was a mod

    Yeah, they are all mods but I don't know if CJ's mom ghost is a mod or a glitch

    Also, I tried to look for leatherface for weeks and couldn't get anything so it's definetly a mod

  11. I have made some Sheffield united football club skins for GTA San Andreas but i don't know how to to get them onto this website can anyone help please?

    the shirts are 08/09 home and away

    07/08 home and away

    From the homepage, go to features, then click on downloads and then go to tools and click on upload a mod. ^_^

  12. can somone post the original ak47.txd for me ty

    Ok, I will help you! Let me just go and fetch it...


    (Freezing?!)...(Panicking)...(File gone missing)...(smashing keyboard in anger!)... :bashhead:

    Oh Shit! Now I need it too!!! Sorry about that!

  13. Of course SA is fun!

    As if you wouldn't enjoy it.


    I enjoy it a lot! :thumbsup:

    When I first played it, I thought this was the best game in the world! (which I still think it is)

  14. Never had that happen before. Although yes the AI is really dumb. Another thing is when I fight them they just run in row formation so I can gun them down


    Yeah that also happens to me too which is great but it's not that great when you have to reload coz they won't stop shooting at you once they are close enough.

  15. standing? I never had those circumstances, well I have no clue why they are acting like that. Don't worry you'll be used to it later

    I am already used to it infact, it's a life saver! it makes things easy especially when taking down Vagos turf, man they are tough since they've already got badass weapons in the first wave

  16. Exactly. If he had interest in the Yakuza's, why did he kill Kenji in one of Donald's missions? He doesn't. And as a neutral character, you have to think neutral. So he has to do anything he can just to make money, which was really the main point in the game, other than killing Catalina.

    Ok, but what is he gonna do with all that money? It's just too much! I mean, you can't really buy anything there except for weapons and going to pay n' spray and that only cost a little bit.

  17. I don't know what are you exactly talking about, but AI in San Andreas is apparently not good though. There are some instances when you're having a gang war, the enemy gang members instead run away outside the territory but actually they are chasing you, and as you can observe, most of the gang members just ran along the sidewalks and barely go to the main road itself. So I think the problem you're talking about is normal.

    What I mean is that sometimes the first wave just doesn't move at all! Even when I get close to them, they just stand there like statues.

    Also, if that is normal, then those gang members are dumb since they head the opposite way.

  18. I was wondering if any of you guys have this problem too.

    When I start a gang war with any gang, once they appear, they either just stand there like stunned mullets, runaway or crouch down and cover their heads when I shoot them or just head out of the war zone (I have to chase 'em down if I want to kill 'em which is a bit annoying).

    It's actually not a problem, it's just that this doesn't happen when I do it on PS2.

  19. Claude is mute because of a reason. Have any of you played through GTA2 ever? You play as a guy in top down view, doing jobs for only 3 possible gangs within the city, and you're not doing out of the gangs interest, you're doing it out of money, but then you also can do other gangs jobs, even if it's the opposing gang. GTA2 and GTA3 have similarities between each other. In GTA2 you play supposedly as Claude Speed (Although when you watch that small movie at the beginning, you see he's Asian). In GTA3 you play as someone else, but is called Claude Speed. Both GTA's have gangs you work with, in which you have to play as a Neutral Character, because if you worked with other gangs and you followed interest with them, you wouldn't be called neutral would you? Being neutral means you only care within the mutual interest of the money, not the reason for the gang.

    So the reason he's mute, is because if he wasn't, he wouldn't be neutral, plus he probably would alliance with a gang, rather than work as an independent contractor doing jobs for others. And if he ever did talk, he would probably end up getting himself killed. He's better off keeping quiet for a good reason, to not get himself killed. And because he's just awesome being quite, at least you could call him the "Silent Killer".

    I didn't know he's a nuetral character. I thought he joined in with the Yakuza gang because he had some interest with them. But then again, he might not since he killed Kenji in one of Donalds missions.

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