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Posts posted by NickS

  1. I find from observation of my parents, that it shows the most when they are driving. My dad drives with his gaze fixed forward his eyes traveling in a machine like scan of the road before him. My mom will point out the yard sales and points of interest to the left and right that he fails to notice as we travel down the road. Meanwhile if my mom drives she tends to look all over hitting curbs and crashing into things as I claw at the dashboard and scream like a little girl. Is that the difference, well our car insurance seems to think so. Mom has a ticket or an accident on average of at least once a year. In 2007 she killed my dad's KIA and blamed it on the other woman who was talking on her cell phone. Dad asked her what she was doing at the time. She admitted that she was trying to cut off the semi truck behind her. In 2008 she got ticketed for doing 35 mph in a school zone. She said it was the female officer's fault for following her and making her nervous. She says it's hard to pay attention to your speed when you are looking in the mirror. So far this year isn't over just yet...

    Jeez, you're mom is exactly like my mom (on the blaming everyone part and the driving part :gappy: )

    There's no sex thinking in the women's brain :huh: ?

  2. @Butters

    F**kin awesome topic you got (the first few pages) even more new myths (it's actually old but I just found out :lol: )


    Don't worry about the myths, they won't do any harm in game (coz they're not there or they could :evil: )

  3. I'm pretty sure R* have always said no to doing a movie. The unrelated film Grand Theft Auto is pretty lame, I've not seen the whole thing but a couple of clips of it and it seems kinda retarded, not to mention how outdated it is now

    Like Pulp Fiction. :P

    I was thinking more like a movie series like Liberty City is the first movie then, Vice City is the second etc. The storyline of each gta game is great, wouldn't it be great enough to turn it into a movie?

  4. It would probably seem like a rip-off of Miami Vice a little bit if it was set in Vice City, but hey, maybe that's a good thing.

    I'm thinking maybe Diaz could be the main character, showing how he climbed his way to the top, then at the end gets taken down by Tommy?

    But again, another movie rip-off, this time of Scarface. ^-^

    Name the movie Grand Theft Auto Vice City instead of just Vice City, that way, there would be a good excuse. :lol:

  5. There's already a movie called Grand Theft Auto from the 70's. GTA1 and 2 were based from it, that movie was also about a guy who had missions by phone calls in random phone boots:


    Ah, well there you go. I had no idea about that, maybe I'll have a peek.

    Maybe the topic could discuss thoughts about a new movie, eg. plot, setting, characters?

    Not meaning to take over warrior13's topic ^-^

    Oh, I was expecting more of a movie based on Liberty City.

    Planning to take over my topic eh? Nah, it doesn't really matter. :lol:

    Yeah, we should discuss about that.

    I was thinking more of Vice City as a movie. It looks pretty cool if it turned into a movie. A bit like American Gangster but with more style in a tropical city

  6. I don't know where to post this so, I posted it here. If it's in the wrong forum, please move it ;)

    Will there ever be a movie about Grand Theft Auto?

    Or is there one out already?

  7. That's some long list you got there! :P

    Never heard of a Nessie before. :mellow:

    Nessie is a loch ness monster... Which is a stupid myth as the game is set in america, not scotland.

    Does sound pretty stupid. Even if did exist, why would R* put that in anyway?

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