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Posts posted by Jared

  1. It is useful to buy sites like that, though. You could get offered a lot of money by a big company who wants your site, I think I remember something like this happened a few years ago and one guy got paid about $100,000 for it, something like that.

    Why would Rockstar offer Rockstar a lot of money for the GTA domain?

    And they did it with GTA IV way back when, also. They are probably just making sure they don't have to pay a lot for these names.

    Thats true, plus Rockstar don't pay people for the domains if I'm no mistake, they usually sort it out over the phone and send the user a packages with some collectibles. Don't quote me on this though.

  2. The entire internet, if you look over any websites statistics on visitors it would be the same if not similar. I'm going from what I now and what I have read in reports before, and if you look at it the proof is there. Either way, we will be making it work for all browsers, we would be committing fan site suicide if we didn't. I'm sure Chris would agree that it is important we do.

  3. Still looks messed up in IE6 for me.

    But you know what I say about IE users.

    f*** THEM

    It's all well and good saying that but the fact is 70% of all visitors are using Internet Explorer 6 since it comes with Windows XP. And unless we want to turn 70% of our visitors away from the site, we need to have the site work on all browsers.

    @Chris - I only tried the index, I will see if I can get to a PC to view it more today.

  4. I think the only thing I did in that beta so far is the top mod thing you talked about, with the latest mod additions and the most popular. Chris has edited it dramatically from what I had originally though. I did do a bit of the template and the CSS, but not much.

  5. Well either they decided it there was no point or it was never planned and this is just a rumor. To be honest I think the latter is more correct, there is no evidence to point towards there of being even the likely hood of such a game.

  6. Um, didn't Rockstar buy DMA DESIGN, not the series? Which would mean DMA Design = Rockstar North.

    Yep, sorry, I was referring to them buying the company. However the series was bought also, off it's creator.

  7. More out of curiousity, Is there a conversion tool for the replay files? I had good luck w/ the VC Replay handler

    I pulled off one of the Download sites (can't remember which one). Maybe you could look at that.

    Nope, Reply files are only code used to perform functions with the games code and GUI, it's not a movie.

    But it is, it has Already been Registered by a full paying client, while the client has uploaded the fraps file, and spread his Registered version

    That doesn't make it any less illegal.

  8. Nice find (followed me aye :P). I'd say it's an investment to make sure nobody steals it, or they are losing the old format and going for "GTA5, GTA6" rather then "GTA: Something, GTA: Something Else".

    Actually scrap that, it was created in 2003 :/.

    Record created on: 2003-12-25 14:03:00.0
    Database last updated on: 2007-03-15 22:42:42.747
    Domain Expires on: 2007-12-25 14:03:00.0

  9. From what I heard Remedy lost the rights to make Max Payne 3 and R* bought those rights so I think R* will start working on MP 3 after GTA IV is released ... My guess is that it will be released in November 2008

    I also heard that Max Payne 2 had lower sales than they expected that`s why they didn`t made MP 3 by now ...

    and it's not set to expire until 2010

    Where did you head that Jared ?

    MP 2 was really good, one of my favorite games after GTA and just check out some gaming sites to see it`s ranking ( 9/10,9.4/10 etc ) So this is not a bad game after all ...

    Oh really? Well that may be why. I find it odd Max Payne 2 was so unpopular, I loved it and still do, one of the best games I have ever played.

    On the WhoIs search it tells you when it expires, click here.

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