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Posts posted by chris82

  1. Hello, let me say that I have beatin GTA3 and Vice City on PS2 and Xbox. I wanted to see if it was good on PC, so I accquired GTA3 for the PC. I have the play disc and install disc. I installed it, put in the play disc, and hit play GTA3. It said "please insert correct disc." I had a patch, which let me play the game without the play CD. I hit that, and it said "Could not find mss32.dll. Reinstalling the program may fix this." Mss32.dll is right in the program file. I meet the system requirments, I have a 128mb card and 256 RAM and a 2 GHz processor. GTA2, Midnight Club 2 and The Sims 2 work fine with Mss32. Mss32 stands for Microsoft Sound System for System 32- now if only I could fix it. Please help!

  2. Well, I'm gonna like all the new features except the taking drugs. I'm not gonna do that, because as Fry says, "Drugs are for losers, and Hypnosis is for losers with big, hairy eyebrows." Everyone I talk to online seems to want to make their guy fat and that's it. The first thing I'm doin is going to the Cluckin' Bell and making my guy throw up on the cashier.

  3. PS2 is the best, because it has the best games, and that is what a true GAMER should be looking for. Xbox produces about 82 million polygons per second, while PS2 does about 78 mil, and the Gamecube is way behind in the trail at 12 million, which means gamecube graphics amount to Cutsie-poo crap. GCn is going down the toilet faster than Dan Rather's career. The problem with Xbox is that people wouldn't have trusted Microsoft with video games like they did SONY, because PS2 is Sony's second console, and because the original Playstation had more features than the N64, namely the CD player, the ability to hook up a mouse and a keyboard, and taking out the memory card without using a plastic tool.

    Don't even get me stared on the Nintendo DS. The idiots are gonna still use cartridges! Ugh! What do you need two screens for, anyway? The PSP rules, because it will be able to display DVD-quality movies, do USB sync, possibly with the PS2, and going to have a GPS, and, Rockstar says it will make games for the unit, which I hope means a GTA for PSP.

    I have all three consoles, and a PC with a 128MB nVidia GeForce 4000 graphics card, but PS2 is the best. I used to be an Xbox hater, and I'm not anymore, but I still get a kick out of reading this page: Maddox's Seven Reason's the Xbox Can Suck It.

    (Warning: This page does contain strong language)

  4. Well, we know how GTA: SA will start, but what I you could make up the beginning FMV? Well, post your idea here. Here's mine:



    It's around 5pm in Los Santos. Gunshots are heard, and a Maverick barely escapes

    a huge explosion, as you, carl Johnson, have made it out alive of the ballas' warehouse,

    with over $5,000,000 in blood money. The year: 1987. Your destination: Vice City.

    You arive in little Havana around 10PM eastern. You head to Sunshine autos, and, coming out an

    hour later, you purchased a red Voodoo. You drive around and explore Downtown a little bit. You see a

    bloodring compition at Hyman Memorial Stadium, and you have a late night drink at the Greasy Chopper.

    You drive to Ocean Beach, and check in at the Ocean View Hotel. You wake up the next day. It's around 2:00Pm.

    You go to Starfish island and buy a house across from a huge mansion known only as the Vercetti Estate.

    You're walking around the island when a Streetwannabe comes up and tries to steal your wallet. Two seconds

    later, the gangster is dead on the ground with a Python bullet in his cranium. A man see's this whole event and walks

    over to you. He says his name is Tommy Vercetti, and invites you over to watch TV, drink beer, and eat pizza with his friends.

    Over the next 6 years Tommy and Carl rule Vice City. Then, one fateful day in 1992, Carl gets a call. Somethings gone wrong in Los Santos!

    A gang war is going on and he must sort it out. Carl shakes hands Tommy and says he'll return. Carl then flys to Los Santos

    and rents a push-bike. He was setup and narrowly escapes the gang back into orange groove territory.



    Now, after that, the story will go along as Rockstar made it.

    Cutting out the text to movie time (taking out narroration text and telling you what he does) That FMV would be about 5

    minutes, cut down to the following:

    Explosion scene

    30 secs

    Landing scene

    10 secs

    car buy scene

    20 secs

    Hyman Bloodring Scene

    10 secs

    Greasy Chopper Scene

    10 secs

    Ocean view scene (Check-in + Check out)

    20 secs

    House Buying, Shooting, Tommy Scene

    90 Secs

    Carl leaving, landing in L.S.

    30 secs

    Gangwar, pushbike scene

    60 secs

  5. They could always mod they're Xbox. But why would you waste $100.00 doing that when you could have the greatness of the PS2 for 50.00 more... And... get this! You don't have to buy a kit to play movies on PS2! Halaluah! Anyways, not only the does the PS2 offer GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas (with none of it edited like on Xbox), You can also get GTA1, GTA: 1969, and GTA2 on PS2.

  6. Well, for the game to only take up 1.6 GB of data, they'd have to take out every FMV and all the music. Anyways, the PS2 and Xbox have more advanced GPU's than Gamecube. Gamecube has more memory and a fast prossesor. The fact is that Gamecube's GFX card is made by ATi and can only display 12,000 ploygons per second, not enough for GTA.

  7. unless you get somethin extra from pre ordering i dont plan on

    Actually, at ebGames, if you give them a copy of Vice City, they'll give you $15.00 off preordering San Andreas. And, in America, who gives a ----- about freaking age!

    My 12 year old brother went to ebGames and reserved his copy without anyone there with him! Of course, if you buy it from a really anal place like KMart, they wouldn't let him pay for his copy of Driv3R, or carry it out of the store. So, I had to pay for it, and when he said my brother couldn't hold it, I handed it to my bro, and asked the casher to shut up.

  8. Well, actually, PS2 is the best console, not because it is powerful, but because it has better games than Xbox. Rockstar will be releasing it for Xbox. So all you Xbox fanboys, shove it and quit bitching! Anyway, Sony has a deal with Rockstar Games so that all GTA games realeased until this October, will be PS2 exclusive.

    The GTA game after San Andreas will be on PS3 and will probably be released for both consoles at the same time, if Sony doesn't make another deal, which I hope they do!

  9. Well, it's obviously the 5th choice. Gamecube simply can't handle it. Plus, well, being the game overflows the PS2 and Xbox discs, how the hell do you think it's gonna fit on a disc that can hold 1/4 the capactiy. Plus the gamecube doesn't have enough controller buttons! But, setting all those things that make this port impossible asside, would you buy it for the cube?

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