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Everything posted by Pyronoodle

  1. Has anyone else noticed that in sal's mission 'rollercoaster ride' (in which you have to scare the union boss jane hopper into playing along), that if you stop, giving hopper chance to get away (rolling the limo on it's side or stopping altogether), that when the loading screen comes up, after which it should return to the game and say 'MISSION FAILED' it does not go back to normal play, but the loading screen stays up, the only button it lets you press is start, but then you can't do anything else other than to press start again, returning to the loading screen. I have tried putting my psp on sleep, to no avail. Is it me, or has this descended into more of a help topic than a general point. ANYWAY, has anyone noticed this/noticed this and knows how to get it to go away???
  2. ok, i got san andreas for pc, but don't know how to install mods that are rar files, i got winrar, but dunno what to do next... SORRY IF I HAVE POSTED THIS AND ITS BEEN POSTED BEFORE!
  3. from whatm i can gather, lcs was set in 1998, at least that's the date that the newspaper style manual reads, also, the expected completion date for callahan bridge is may 1998. hope i could help!
  4. there should be more missions that require you to wear costumes ( a la JD's missions ), but using the more weird and wonderful among them -COUGH cox mascot suit COUGH- my fave costume, love it with a passion!
  5. it won't be your specs, definitely not! that is one sweet machine cosidering u r new to pc gaming PROPER JOB!
  6. 1.bowler wildcat 2.segway (not a car but DAMNED cool) 3.Koenigesegg CCX 4.Ariel atom 5.Cateram 7 6.Wina Bago 7.Chevrolet Callaway Sledgehammer Corvette (254mph) 8.VW BUS (hippy style) 9.Lamborghini LM (it maybe a lambo, but not as you may expect...) 10.Chevolet suburan (or avalanche, i don't mind!)
  7. you can get it to spawn at your safe house after collecting so many hidden packages, can't remember how many, google it or summin.
  8. the scooter shooter place is the same place massimo lands 4 the 2nd time in calm before the storm, except you dont go up the stairs, turn left.
  9. sorry dude. by the way when u destroy it and quit the mission, it goes to a loading sreen for like 5 seconds, and the u can't get it back.
  10. by the way this is not a debatng society about wheteher to download firmware, that ONLY prevents u from running acked programs that potentially screw up & crash ur psp, it's about whether anyone knows where to get a friggin' ice cream truck.
  11. the thing is that i'm trying to create a kickass gamesave to upload, without cheats and loadza cool vehicles. Back to square one. (p.s got firmware 2.7 so cheatdevice is out the window!!!)
  12. i think ur right JD, that mission isn't in lcs, the only other way i can think to get one is in the side mission 'scooter shooter', but when you explode it you cant get it back, and there's no way of cancelling the mission (i think) so im stuck up sh*t creek
  13. Does anybody know where i can find a mr whoope in lcs, ive been told u can get on in a firetruck mission as one of the vehicles that sets on fire but i've tried this loadz and it don't work, HELP!
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