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Posts posted by GTAFlashfire

  1. I did this mission by planning everything, I'm not sure what you're talking about though with not being able to pass a certain point in the road though so please elaborate. If you need help catching up with the woman just make a U-turn, head through the construction site and turn left where there's a gap between the buildings into the road.

  2. ^ Needs to stop talking about pie

    < Has his tenth Grade dance coming up and is waiting to see the look on his friends face when he finds out he is taking his friends younger sister to it

    v Looks at Google Earth too much

  3. I read on the news that Israel says they'll keep bombing Hizbola rocket positions even if the UN wants to sanction them. I personally agree with getting rid of Hizbola but not in the way the Israelis are going about it.

  4. If you look at the billboard near doherty about the new Zip store going up you'll see it says 5? floors of Khakis but the 'is' is covered with paint so it says khak. Kak is also Afrikaans for 'sh1t'. The security company is called Chuff, in South Africa there is a security company called Chubb. Probably just coincidence but still cool for a South African to see.

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