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Everything posted by TM™

  1. I'm struggling to cope with that. This is a GTA site and a GTA forum about GTA. That was meant to be the one thing we have in common. I don't mean that we HAVE to talk about GTA all the time, but surely doing that once in a while is a minimum requirement? That suggestion wasn't meaning they couldn't read anything apart from GTA - that's silly. Just that they couldn't post in a small number of areas (eg Offtopic area, gangs, suggestions), or create topics until they'd proven they weren't a spammer. TM - you seem to think that the way we have everything now is good because people don't have to talk about GTA and they can just sit and be off-topic all the time. I agree with the community aspect, and that we have off-topic facilities, but the lack of GTA orientation is degrading this community. Do you think we should do nothing and just allow (or even encourage) our members just to be off topic all the time? If not, what would you like the changes to achieve? Well, I personally don't believe it's right. Probably doing this might start off something new, but seeing members restricted isn't what their membership is about. If I can remember so, one site (Not based on GTA) actually does this suggestion you thought up, Gerard. The thing is, they want mature members, not the immature members that spam, I can completely agree that we don't want immature members on here, but the webmaster of that site give a restriction to members to post only in the forums that they could view. I of course was new at the time so what I did was post about until I reached the maximum posts to be promoted to becoming a original member. But here's the thing, their wasn't much categories, nor sub-forums which made me say; "Wtf, what's the point of even coming here when they said there was more sub-forums? This is completely whack" - Well, I never exactly said that, but sort of in a way. Since we don't have much categories and forums under them, what's the point in implementing it? That forum got closed down since it wasn't receiving the members they wanted, and I would blame it on that system they placed for it. I don't mind if it happens, but if you think about what new members or members under the requirements say, they'd leave this place and go to another site instead. Some guests that register don't post, but sometimes lurk about. Sometimes, even the lurkers don't look at just GTA, they would look for other stuff that non-related to GTA (Like if there's a web design topic in here, the member would check it out). You gotta think about the guests, members (That might be under the requirements) and the lurkers, because sometimes, people don't want to discuss GTA or Off-topic, they might just want to find something and solve it. I really think the idea is good, but If you think about the side affects, it could completely drive us away from getting members.
  2. I can't agree with the accessibility idea, it's just not what a forum would do. It's best to let the members (Including new members) see the full forum rather than accessing only a few categories. I for one think it should be left the way it is. It then feels like there’s no point then of even coming on the forums if there's no access to other forums, sometimes members aren't interested in GTA, and I think it's completely fine not to be. Some of the female members are on here and a few of them like GTA, but some of them don't even reply to topics in the GTA Gaming Category, only the General Discussion Forums. If this was to be implemented, then I can't see how we are going to get 2 different genders on the forum. It would mean that there's only 1 gender, and that's Male. Some of the female members are over 100 posts, but I can't entirely agree with it that new members can't access other forums than the GTA Gaming Category. It's just not right in my opinion. We could give it a go, but sometimes, members want be part of a community, so why can't they be part of it, rather than going through GTA? I might have to think it through thoroughly.
  3. Exams in 18 days? Man, that's almost fucked if you ask me. My exam starts in May, but I'll be prepared for it. Until the exam is over, I can finally chill out with some friends and we can head to town once the full examination's are over. I'm hoping to go to town, if not, they can come to my house and we can hang out their. I think after that, on 22nd July I'm heading to the Prom, it's going to be fun, since I'm gonna be with my friends, and if there's a chance, with a girl (Which might not happen unless something good happens, which I don't even know what it is :/). So it's sort of a time where I have to show off that I can dance. Although I can't, I'll try to dance like Michael Jackson (Which I'm not even good at lol). But all will gradually get calmer and smooth for me until the holidays start. So yeah, it's going to be a rough examination, but the end results will be worth checking out.
  4. Gycu! He's been wearing those userbars for some time now.
  5. Well, yesterday I was back at school. To be honest, I thought returning back to school would be boring, since there’s not much to do. But, it was sort of a “Good” day actually. First lesson was English, that wasn’t so boring like it always was since I finished pretty much all of my coursework, and everyone else was still doing Romeo and Juliet. Heh, that meant I was basically the only student in my class that finished it. Although I had nothing to do on that day, my tutor told me about getting prepared for the exam (And of course that made worse) and I felt angry that I have to do something like that when I thought I could chill out. But If I think about it, I only got around 4 months before my real GCSE Exam starts, so it’s best to be prepared for the worst. I then had Science; I have two lessons on Friday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It’s usually boring since we do a lot of crap theory work, but yesterday, it was effin’ fun. We were doing a lot of experiments, and a huge bang happened in our class (It never blew up the class, lol) but it was quiet a fun experiment since I scared the fuck out of my teacher. It was kind of okay in the morning, then it got boring on the last lesson of science which I had in the afternoon. I later had R.E. That is one of the crappiest subjects of all time, but I got a reward for doing my Coursework. All I did was a few questions, and then I get a Chocolate out of it – That’s like for kids, but I was hungry in the end. Eventually towards the end of the 3rd period, I went home and ate, and went back to school back to Science and that I thought it was going to be another fun lesson, but it never came to that, lol. Then finally, my last lesson was more fun because my Mathematics teacher wasn’t in school! That was great since we could finally chill out. And of course I did, but I still had to my work, which was crap. I guess towards the end of school I was happy, not sad and miserable like I usually am, but yesterday was a good day.
  6. Yep, it seems to be some bullshit. I mean, think about it. We are all seeing a lot of dates from out of no where, and possibly their all fake. The only thing GAME is doing is to get more customers to Pre-Order GTA IV and probably, almost every other Retail store is doing it as well. I for one want to see a real release date, confirmed by Rockstar Games themselves. I don't want to see Retail sites making up dates because now, my brother thinks it's coming out in February since he's been looking at other sites like that as well. I told him about the delay and showed him the news and he wasn't going to buy it. I guess all these retailers are doing is to get customers to buy a Pre-Order. If you think about it, we haven't even heard about any release dates, not even on the fiscal report, so how would GAME know the release date?
  7. Rashon. He knows lot's on GTA LCS, so he deserves this award.
  8. X2 He's helped me out with my site for the graphics, and he's a genius at it too. He deserves it.
  9. Ofcourse Sky. He's been moderating for a while.
  10. Moar! This one is actually funny.
  11. Yes, he did. But he never gave it to me... Probably cause I pissed the shit out of him since he wasn't giving it me. I guess that shut me up, but he never gave it to me in the end.
  12. Okay, first off, don't start a showdown. It's not fairly the best thing to do as MrLlamaLlama can beat him. Deji, if you can do some of this, then could you at least make a different topic for it, rather than ruin MrLlamaLlama's topic? I mean, for first glance at his work, it's so amazing that we've got such a effin' cool GFX Expert here, but saying that you can do it in 5 Minutes it completely making yourself look like a bullshitter if you ask me. If you can, let's see, but make a showdown topic, it sort of suits the Graphics Forum. Most of this work takes time to prefect and it takes more than 5 minutes, only a person who's had great experience with Photoshop can do it and MrLlamaLlama can actually do it from that. Deji, if you are good, let's see some of your graphics work. As seeing your work on your website, it looks as if you've made it out of MS Paint, to be honest. So really, you can't make 'Cool' stuff like that in 5 minutes since your work doesn't even look like a professional perfectionist. Getting back to the topic. Llama, you work has alway impressed me, and it's sort of inspired me to try it out (Even though I don't have photoshop STILL on my computer, I guess it always has). Keep up the great work, you probably could do computer games design. lol.
  13. The P.I.T. technique can be used around places and places. So here's a few that could possibly help out: Usually, the first way of preforming this technique is to get near towards the quadrant of the car. That way, getting on the left or right side of the car is the only way possible to start the technique, it usually works, but it only spares you a few seconds to get ahead of him. The second way could be also using the P.I.T. at corners when Hilary turns. Basically, get close to him like before, but whenever he's about the turn, immediately do the technique and he will be spinning, and he will brake, which would give you extra time. The third is more harder to achieve, but depending on where the place you want this to be, try doing this mission over again. Basically, if their is any space for you, do the P.I.T. technique and if there's any space where Hilary bumps in, he will try to get back on the track, but if there are any objects that are completely solid and can't move (The Carpark is probably the most effective for this) your chances are that you can win this race without a problem. Another way is you can pop the tires, although it's not the best possible way to, it works and can slow Hilary down. Just make sure not to hit around the windows or he could get shot in the head, and that would end the mission You can use the P.I.T. technique at the start of the race, as that is effective and can work as well, but that doesn't make stop Hilary, he'll be back on the track, and he will catch-up eventually. Those are probably some ways that it can work, and it's very effective which means you can definitely win a race. Ivan, if you destroy his car, it's mission fail, I would, but I don't really think it's right to.
  14. Avi: 10/10 Love it. Sig: 10/10 Love the font you used. Person: A crap great GFX Requester.
  15. Avi: 7/10 Sig: 7/10 Person: Nice member overall. Yes, I'm actually turning into another Gerard!
  16. About the Video Walkthrough idea. It's actually a really, really nice idea, but the thing is, I don't own any of the 3 GTA Games on my PC. If we were to make a video walkthrough, we could perhaps add it to the original walkthrough that was in text, which could explain it if you're a reader, but not a watcher. So if we were to have this, we need someone who's good at GTA (Well aren't we all... ) and could possibly do it without cheating. It's a nice idea, plus it could get more members on here if they don't understand how they should do the mission. Plus, if someone is struggling with a mission, we could just show that video. But there's also problems with that too. Visitors especially won't join us since we have these video's, so basically, their problem would be solved, but it's still good to get these unique visits. So in the end, I'm not sure whether we should do this, it's a prime example of a unique thing we could have, but getting right people to dedicate their time would be difficult. Just a suggestion.
  17. ... This is way old. Basically, it's better to leave the game as it is if you ask me. There's a few modifications released for GTA1 & 2 and they can all be found at Gouranga. You can even make your own too. So as this is old... Topic Closed
  18. Yes, I know. But I'm prepared to see what it is, if the computer I find with the right specs is facing me, but costs alot, it's best to get it for Xbox 360 or PS3.
  19. I like GTA1, but don't have time to play it at the moment. I'd kill the heck' out of you, but I guess that will have to wait. Probably sometime soon, but no official time given. So sorry.
  20. I'm not really sure. No one has the requirements for it to run on their computer since it hasn't even come out yet. I'm not going to be getting a computer until the game is given a official release date for the PC, then it's best to buy it after it's been released in stores. So then when I head off to town searching for the game, I can check out the CD Case and check it's recommended hardware requirements, so then I can start searching for a computer on the Internet that reaches them requirements.
  21. I have a Mac, but to be honest, what are you going to use it for? Their might not even be a war ever on this site.
  22. To be honest, this might not even be a real map. They're not accurately building New York, and if they were to, we'd realize that it's actually a full map of New York. This could possibly be a part of the map, or it could be completely fake. I'm not so sure whether to believe it's a full front end map which is actually what most people think, but it could be part of the inside, or as most of us would call it, the texture's of the interior. For one, that could be possibly true that it could be fake, especially with it having a texture of the map, but they could just be making this map up just for show. But seeing that it looks partly different to a real map, I'd say it's fake. Also K9, that long black thin part of the land looks like a really thin, but long penis.
  23. Rockstar Games could be trying out something new. For instance, sometimes trying out something new could be possibly for research. So they could possibly implement the feature in upcoming GTA Games. The San Andreas Swimming feature was actually good, but it'd be more challenging seeing something like what they implemented in Vice City Stories since for one, it's challenging, second would be that you can't stay in the water for that long, so placing a limit meter seemed fair if you ask me. Plus, it's good that they have implemented it since it's something we all could get use to. They could include this in GTA IV and that would obviously be something completely new, not copying the San Andreas swimming feature.
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