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Posts posted by amazingdude

  1. I don't play Horror games much, actually I've only played two of 'em: Resident Evil 2 and Left 4 Dead.

    Also, the only reason that makes me think L4D is scary is called "Hunter"...

    also remember the witch? The female zombie that would be crying if you shoot her she would scream and jump on you and yeah hunter is like a spiderman in the game

  2. I forgot about silen hill 2 yeah the pyramid head is a scary character and its story line is great

    hey anyone played the game in which the protagonist will find himself on a mission to rescue a boat in a stormy sea along with his team but when they reach the boat the team gets ambushed by some sort of creature the player then wakes up after being hit on the head (do u know the name? i forgot)

  3. Depends. If you own the game by any of the ways listed by Gerard (Steam, D2D or DVD), then I guess not. If you don't, then yes, it is illegal.

    yes it is illegal if you have the pirated installment of san andreas

    if you wanna download it from any website by paying then theres amazon.com

  4. Is left 4 dead that scarry?? I find it amusing lol

    I dont really like playing horror games (except for L4D n L4D2) thanks to being too curious to see what Resident Evil was like when I was like 5 years old and got shit scarred for 2 months lol

    but from seeing a bit of my friends play, I guess Dead Space and Silent Hill Homecoming are kinda scarry

    silent hill home coming is a bit scary but what do you think of doom 3?

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