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    Modifying Grand Theft Auto games<br /><br />Building computers<br /><br />Playing PC games<br /><br />Drawing

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  1. I've just taken a look at Saints Row and it has pretty much everything I could ask for in a GTA game. I think GTA4 has some competition now, they'll probably start adding in more requested features to compete.
  2. John Carmack, a well respected programmer, has stated in the August 2006 issue of Computer Power User that high end computers are now at least twice as fast as the PlayStation 3. To quote the article exactly:
  3. No more RPG elements. It's stupid having to level up skills so you can drive right, get rid of it.
  4. So basically, Tilly, you want: True soft shadows with umbra and penumbra calculations, global illumination, cube mapping, phong reflection model, real motion blur, HDR, and subsurface scattering. I want these things as well. I really want these types of features for the gamers with high end PCs, on lower end PCs the effects can easily be turned off. Soon, I'm going to compile a list of everything I want in the next game, it's going to be huge.
  5. San Andreas looks like it had some stencil shadows, but I hope the next game has a unified lighting and shadows system akin to Doom 3. Capped infinite shadow volumes are a must, and EVERYTHING should cast stencil shadow volumes.
  6. It would be cool to see an area based on downtown Louisville, Kentucky.
  7. Special forces should be the group that comes in for a level 6 wanted level. You should also be able to take and wear the uniform if you kill one. I'd like them to look like this, with black elbow and knee pads. Full support for saving with cheats. True God mode.
  8. Vehicles don't explode when they flip over, go in the drink, or when they run into things alot. The most that should happen is that the car catches fire, and you have to get out or your character eventually dies. It would be cool if the fire department came and put it out or you put it out yourself with an extinguisher then have it towed, at which point you and your car would respawn at the closest Pay 'N' Spray. It think the cars should only explode if they get hit by a rocket or other explosives.
  9. It would be okay if it was like San Andreas, where you just chose your clothing, tattoos and hair style, and not your race.
  10. I'd like to see him in the next game as the main character. You start off the game returning back to San Andreas to work with Carl, eventually travelling to Vice City, and back to Liberty City doing various jobs. Carl and Claude could eventually work their way all the way to the top, dominating San Andreas, Vice City, and Liberty City. However, they soon encounter competition from London... I think it would be great. You get to visit all the cities from the first three games as well as a brand new city. You could travel between them in planes, you get to meet characters from all three cities (that haven't died atleast), you have a massive playing area, everything you could ever want.
  11. Engines hardly ever explode, so it's pretty unrealistic. I just played San Andreas, and they have most of the ideas I suggested in that one thread, all I need is some Havok physics and ragdolls, and higher polygon models and higher resolution textures. I couldnt believe they have stencil shadows in SA, too bad the characters didn't use them, that didnt make sense.
  12. Claude is absolutely my favorite character.
  13. You should still be able to pick things up and throw it.
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