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Everything posted by Bryant66

  1. The ellipsis signified my astonishment towards your statement. The PS3 isn't even out yet, and by the time it is, we'll have computers easily capable of rendering the same effects at the same speeds. Consoles will never relegate personal computers to obsolescence, the PS3 already supposedly costs a fortune, not as much as a high end gaming machine but it's still up there. Not releasing the game for the PC would be a terrible mistake on Rockstar's part.
  2. There should be a radio station dedicated to grindcore and thrash.
  3. I'd have to go with Claude. The fact that he doesn't talk or really display any sort of emotion makes him a very mysterious and interesting character.
  4. It's really simple to disable those kinds of effects at a certain distance from the camera.
  5. From the hip is a figure of speech, meaning any weapon that isn't fired while looking down the sights.
  6. My Suggestions for Grand Theft Auto 4 I believe all of my suggestions are within reason, and I hope the developers at Rockstar see this post and use my ideas to the fullest of their abilities. Graphics 1024x1024 photorealistic texture maps - MIP maps obviously take care of LOD. 1024x1024 specular maps - Only for cars, glass and other naturally reflective materials. Disable at a certain distance from the camera for LOD. Subsurface Scattering - For use on character models. Disable at a certain distance from the camera for LOD. Stencil shadow volumes - Allows more realistic Day/Night cycle. Clip at a certain distance for LOD. Physics Havok Game Dynamics - Preferred. 11 bone ragdolls - Head, Chest, Left Upper Arm, Left Forearm, Right Upper Arm, Right Forearm, Stomach, Left Thigh, Left Calf, Right Thigh, Right Calf. Make sure the joints move in a realistic manner. Boxes, bricks, debris, shattered glass, et cetera - Take advantage of Havok physics as well. Havok's simulation is fast, so it would be ideal for Grand Theft Auto 4. Gameplay Real time day and night cycle - Based on actual time, so if the player is playing at night it's night time, and if the player is playing during the day its day time. Buildings, shops, et cetera - All important structures should be enterable at any time without loading. Shops such as Ammunation would open and close based on the real time day and night cycle. Police and pedestrian AI - Police go after NPCs for committing crimes These encounters can escalate to the point that military force is required just like with the player. Pedestrians act realistically, interacting with each other and the environment in a natural way. Drivers will navigate around stopped cars and other obstacles when possible, and crazy drivers should accrue occasionally. All of this should use sophisticated real time AI and path finding. Living quarters - Wherever you live you can stash all your guns and ammunition, bulletproof vests, items, et cetera. When saving, the player's character should lay down to sleep, giving reason for time to advance six hours. Player Aiming - Shooting from the hip allows for running, but is less accurate. Right mouse button brings the weapon up to shoulder level and the player's character looks down the sights of the weapon, increasing accuracy, but reduces speed to a walk. Standing, kneeling and prone should be possible, supported or unsupported where applicable. Standing = 65% Unsupported - 75% Supported :: Firing = -10%/s Accuracy, +15%/s Recoil : Walking = x1.25 Recoil : Running = x1.5 Recoil, x2 Accuracy reduction Kneeling = 80% Unsupported - 90% Supported :: Firing = -5%/s Accuracy, +10%/s Recoil Prone = 95% Unsupported - 100% Supported :: Firing = -1%/s Accuracy, +1%/s Recoil Customization - None please, I believe character customization is an invite to logical inconsistencies.
  7. Hello fellow Grand Theft Auto lovers, I just registered today.
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