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Everything posted by SpiderJay

  1. Thanks mate. Didn't really think twice, but now that I have, I think you're right. Where would that post belong? In any case, glad to be here!
  2. I have a few sound theories about what year San Andreas will occur in, and a few other fun recurring things from the original game. First off, on one of the new teaser sites (Cluckin Bell) there is a notice about a law suit that took place in 1994. Meaning that San Andreas will take place in either '95 or '96. In accordance with the Darius Fontaine Online Diagnosis-thingie, I am guessing '96, as that's when the internet started. But I could be wrong on that one. It did state early nineties after all. On the other teaser site (Epsilon Program) we learn of some mysterious cult chanting Kifflom. Gouranga anyone? For those who played the original Grand Theft Auto, you might remember the Hare Krishna-like sect wandering the streets, and if you managed to hit them all in a row with your vehicle, you got the Gouranga Bonus Of course, I might be mistaken.
  3. Hi there. I'm a long-time lurker, first time poster. Glad to be aboard this fine forum.
  4. I was thinking of being able to die if you fall of a fourteen-story building. Or out of an airplane. Since you're supposedly going to be able to fly 3x higher than in GTA VC, then maybe parachutes would be a nice touch? I dunno, I'm just rambling here. Oh, and for different voicecasts, for some reason it would kind of feel right to have John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson somewhere in the mix. Perhaps as Tenpenny and Pulaski? Not to mention Benicio Del Toro. Anybody who has seen The Usual Suspects knows what I'm talking about. But for the really dark stuff, that gruffy voice, the kind that would scare you badly in a dark alley at night; Michael Wincott. The guy who played Top Dollar in The Crow, Rochefort in The Three Musketeers, and had a leading role in Alien Resurrection. Why this man has not been put to voicecasting yet is a mystery to me.
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