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Posts posted by Dmac

  1. He says in the trailer he has ''killed people, smuggled people and sold people'' and the russian mafia are known for smuggling and slavery etc.

    I just thought it was interesting how they are both Russian and both where in previous GTA's and maybe there could be a connection.

    And about the scars, In GTA2 it was 2013 and he was 41. By the looks of things GTAIV does not look like its in 2013 and he does not look 41. Those scars could of happened after GTA IV.

  2. I'm sorry to be the thorn here, but this is just screenshots with words on them...... And the avatars, are easily reproduced, in which you can't do anything about it because you don't own the images.

    I've never been fond of premade sigs, though. I don't want to pay for something other people already have. If I'm paying for something, I want it to be original.

    I knew someone would bring this up. Maybe people don't have the time or programs do make a signature so i thought i would make a shop so i could do it for them.

    I never said its was any more then a screen shot with words on it but if you don't like it, Don't buy it. Simple.

  3. We already know what our main character looks like and by his accent, he sounds Russian or similar. He also looks a bit like Jerkov from GTA2. Jerkov comes from Siberia and is the leader of the Russian Mafia.

    GTA IV Character:


    Jerkov from GTA2:


    For information on Jerkov Click Here.

    What do you think?

  4. well, there is a possibility, but i don't think so dude, i mean there are so many pointless billboards on previous gta games.

    but now the possibility has wide open for us, could it be more than just one city??? :lol:

    I doubt it but maybe it could be like GTA1, LC,VC and SA all in one. But that i'm sure is impossible.

    I just hope its more then 1 city, Or its more like NYC just with the name Liberty City.

  5. This might just be another pointless billboard that are in other GTA games or could this mean there is more then just one city in GTA IV?


    The text says ''Visit Vice City $300''. Like i said before, It could just be a pointless billboard or, It could mean there is more then just one city in GTA IV. Discuss. ^_^

  6. I think it would be so cool if there was like a cemetary or something, with the gravestones of those that died in LCS and GTA3. Actually I wouldn't mind if there was a small hint, of what happened to Claude.

    I think that's as far as including of past GTAs will go but. IMO

    That would be pretty good.

  7. He wont be good for long. It would be shit if he was good, lol getting a job in Walmart or something. :lol:

    Yea it wouldn't be the best if he was good... It wouldn't make sense if you were free roaming killing people and stuff and he was trying to be good...

  8. For some reason I have a gut feeling that'll be set in Vice City again, but I feel weird for talking about the location after GTA4, when GTA4 has limited info, and still is 7 months away from release. :mellow:

    I think so to because in GTA1 it had LC, VC and SA only didn't it?

  9. yeah but what will they be becuase it will be random just starting all over again and not having any connaction to the past if it is in Liberty City again.

    Im sure will have a idea of a good story line and gangs and how it will all tie together. ;)

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