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Posts posted by Dmac

  1. uh yeah but why didnt they shoot tommy, it was in a time span of real time 12 seconds while tommy was exposed to a firefight, and only a few shots can down a guy, so how did tommy live through the many guys who were shooting in the genereal direction of tommy.

    Thats acually quiet true. You would think Tommy would be hit with atleast 1 bullet.

  2. I thnk Victor Vance could of Survived becuase:

    1.He might of been Undercover, E.g sprayed with blanks.

    2.It might not of been him! Lance said his brother is dead, He did not say any thing about VICTOR.

    3.I dont think Rockstar Games would make a Main Character go out like that.

    There not very ''stable'' therys but you never know.... :D

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