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Posts posted by Dmac

  1. Slight problem, a LOT of us HAVE and ALREADY PLAYED SA..... SOME of us like to revisit Liberty City without having to attempt to find our old GTA III disks.

    And for your information, LCS is an improvement from GTA III. I haven't seen it on PS2, but the graphics aren't exactly the same. On top of that, the physics are better. Things like motorcycles and stuff. Considering it's running on VC's engine, not GTA III's.

    It was DESIGNED FOR PSP USE. This is EXACTLY why a lot of us said that it should not have been ported over to PS2. But nooooo. All these little bitches were whining about it. Now they are whining about it being "sucky" on PS2? Wake up call. We saw that coming.

    And are graphics THAT important to you? Get a f***in' life, seriously. Reality check, GTA isn't known for amazing or even great graphics. I really never understood how GTA fans were almost ALWAYS graphics-whores. It's about the gameplay, for Christ's sake.

    BESIDES, this topic wouldn't go in GAMEPLAY AND HELP. Nice try, though.

    Amen to that.

  2. I was looking for some that were non-watermarked for like 30mins but i seriously think they were never relased without watermarks . On some Fansites, They have put there logo in the corner were the CVG one was so i thought there must of been non-watermarked ones but that must be a Photoshop job. Anyway if i ever come acorss non-watermarked ones i will post them. :D

  3. My game usally always starts but for some reason i started getting this message:


    My Specs are:


    Intel Pentium 4 2190MHz

    Graphcis Card

    NVIDIA GeForce 6200



    Operating System

    Microsoft Windows XP

    EDIT: I fixed it! :D

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