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Everything posted by Rakim
Sami does work but only on certain files.For example the file you are tryin to install has to have a sami script included with it and even then you will have a "hiccup" from time to time and the s**t still wont install so you end up having to manually install which is what i preferand recommend doing anyway.
Damien i just replied to your question in your other post. try not to do double posts my man.... Good luck with your problem. The reply i left on your other post should help you out
Well Damien considering that you just bought the game i would assume that you most likely have the new v.2 disk which is not moddable,so in order to utilize the majortiy of the mods out now you will need a v.1 game there are only a few ways to accomplish this nowadays,either you know someone who owns one,ebay it, Dl' it or just use this Handy downgrader tool which will change your v.2 .exe into a v.1 exe which is fully moddable... FYI: you should always try to install all of your mods manually as oppose to using the auto installer tools like Sami which is cool ,BUT you always want to be able to see just what you are installing into your machine not to mention that all mods are not compatible with the sami as they all do not have the necessary sami installer script included with them. Good luck
cmon man thats no problem it makes me feel good to know that i was able to help ne- body cept me LOL
Okay well thats a start so we know that you are able to run the game that message quite simply put only happens when either you are already using a v.1 game or your .exe file has already been patched,in which case there would be no files to patch...**rakim states the obvious**lol that im sure you knew just from readin your error message just thought i type an explanation for the message anyway ...just to be thorough Did you make sure there were no files left from the old installation and are you absolutley sure that you made your code placement and file replacment correct because if all things are equal then it really sounds like there could be problem with the way you added your mods ie:wrong data or files not replaced that needed to be switched. Or maybe even mismatched files. Or maybe the image was not rebuilt (a kinda common user error) ..there are a number of reasons that the game would do that 50% load thing...and its hard to narrow them down because despite how great of a thing this game is, R* really dropped a buggy creation when they penned this one thats for sure..Then couple that with the fact that we are tryin to get it to do S**t that R* may have hidden or left out or never even intended to be in game for a reason,so who knows? Thats why it is always advised to back up EVERY THING so that WHEN not IF something goes wrong you can always revert. Now with that said if you go back and carefully insure that all of your file placement and switching/editing is correct ie:if your are switching an replacing .txd and .dff files be sure to switch them all out properly and then rebuild.and if you are placing codes then insure you are inserting them where they need to be and recompiling. Then if you still have issues then you might want to consider utilizing all of your backups and starting from scratch and if that does not work then the last step is the Sh**TY one **menacing music plays in Bckgrnd** REINSTALL... well that is another up in the air question when you are dealing with any code strings or scripts and patches there are always chances for bad coding ie:bad strings poorly written too little or too much info. maybe patches screwing things up maybe you have mods which use same resources blah blah blah wut ever, you take your pick from the above but anytime something is automated there is always room for a hiccup thats why sometimes it will work fine then other times it wont..(not really a great answer but a true one just the same) Now that i cant answer at all since i am not a MOD-erator on this site, im just a member like you, i just like to help out cuz i know how it is to have a post go unanswered, kinda make you feel like no body is listening... but what i can suggest is that you get a membership at all of the sites you like so you dont miss anything and you will have access to lots of diff perspctives on fixes patches mods and all dat...
Well that.exe idea is a possibilty but hell thats not sayin anything cuz anythings' possible but again to refer back to my inital point, the issue IS native to Your machine its not a CD issue i would wager that if you were to send that retail disk to me or anyone else for that matter (your old disk) although im not asking you too..But i am sure it could installed without hitches refer back to explanations in previous posts i left you on your other topics about how bad keys are left behind... Now if you are having issues the first thing to do would be to utilize the dgrader cuz there is NOOOOOOOOO way (well maybe not that serious) that you got your hands on a v.1 game unless you ebayed,Dl'ed or something like that..lol So ill assume you already patched it. since this is not your first time.. Now in reference to your mod issue the auto installer is known to have problems that why most people 'cept the creators of said program/s say its recommended to manually install not to mention you can see what code is being placed in your PC (which really holds no real importance if you are not familiar with the commands and their functions) But its still good to see it... i will POINT IT OUT to you cuz i am not too much of an A**HOLE just a lil bit. hehehe I know the info is there cuz its my post..... Link AGAIN !!!! HaHa I refer to that in the post Here is a link to the specific program page: GO and download the >>>>UNLOCKER HERE<<<< Now please, please Spencer :TAKE MY ADVICE from within my post which i linked to up above the same one i linked to in the previous post too by the way and be careful what you screw around with using this program ok,you dont want to delete the wrong thing...We know your track record on that .Now Dont We? Naw man i m just bullsh**ting with you..But do be careful..And check again in my post cuz i did refer to a name in there which you could have googled to find results..Now i am only repeating myself cuz i think you really need the help and you seem like a cool type Kat but really though Spence man when you are asked to read a post for an answer especially when it has been outlined that the info you seek is in the post read it carefully .That is nothing short of sayin here is the answer on the plate all you have to do is eat it. My man believe me I would not give you the run around i know how that feels...Good luck
Spencer,Homeboy check it out man browse the forum a lil bit some of the answers are here. i am glad you were able to get your game working rather got another one, but i STILL dont know how you want me to think that you somehow screwed up your RETAIL copy of GTA the way you told me originally, cuz it cant be done the way you had stated, not on a retail disk anyway hehehee .I ,just like e body else who tried to help want to get your issues resolved cuz we all like and want to play the game.! But Remember this in future posts on this and any site where you are tryin to solicit help, you always have to be honest regarding the questions anyone who is working with you asks because answers you give can usually help anyone who is tryin to help you out get your problem fixed faster.. lol but What Ever version you are running now i hope that you get it up and goin Good Luck. here is a LINK To get you started.. Google that program in the last post and see what you come up with. Actually Spencer i am curious to know what you did to get you self goin i mean i know you got a new disk but what about your re/uninstall issues how did you work them out..It would be good if you could post your steps so that people with the same issue could find info on it here and maybe fix theisr S**t too.
Hello RME, Firstly, the Dgrder does work i know cuz i used it(among plenty of others here).Secondly i would recommend ALWAYS installing manually..But if you are not comfortable with that then the Sami could do the job on some mods(those that have the sami script provided) or the .img tool will work wonders..when you say your game crashes the first thing you have to check for is version number as you NEED to have the right version ie: v.1 or 1.01 def not v.2 preferrably v.1 as it is the most accepting of mods.You can check for version in the right corner of the screen upon start up it will list a number for anything other than v.1 Now for a few questions: 1.Are you using a retail copy or a dl'ed=Downloaded copy 2.When you say dgrder not working tell us what it said you know error message prompt etc. blah blah blah 3.What mods have you installed already if any and which one/s were you tryin to install prior to your crash 4.Were you ever able to play the game successfully before it crashed the first time.
Hey anyone know How to activate the Steed mod through spacensteins all in one mod? i can t seem to get it right i have tried trolling the page on GTAFORUMS with no luck there seems to be something wrong witht their search engine ...actaully since i registerd its been that way... who knows...? None the less anyone who has info on this i would really appreciate your input... PS if you help me out i will be sure to tell the Rick James Furniture Trolls not to grind their feet on your couch during the night while you sleep. PPS as a side note for those who may have the same issue i found that you can google the site in order to get the search to function in fact it is more like a work around but straight up who cares as long as it works right any way it goes like this : site:www.gtaforums.com steed you just copy and paste that TEXT in your search pane of choice Now of course you would substitute your search terms where mine says steed but i am sure you all get the idea. this works on all the popular search engines by the way its not limited to Google or gtaforums for that matter the function works with any website adddress or search terms. just a cool workaround i stumbled across by browsing other peoples posts. and i thought i would share it as i know alot of us have cross memberships to other modding sites. Since they are havin search issues(they disabled it) on Gtaforums so anyone havin troubles with the search function in the member context menu then this should work for you
Well Slayer i am at my wits end i dont know what the problem is but what i do know is that I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I am loosing it over here 4real man...I hate doing double work on my job and i get payed but i hate it even more in my lesisure time i cant for the life of me figure out what the problem is on the GTA.set file glitch i have to delete it everytime i want to play,then as a result of this i have to re enter all of my resolution settings etc. I dont know what is causing this i know we went over this already and i have checked all of the typical things: 1.Got latest drivers for Nvidia GFX cards 2.Got latest drivers for XFI card 3.Made sure res. settings did not exceed monitor ability to display(my monitor exceeds the game) 4.Searched web for fixes 5.Have v.2 retail disk , same issue from intitial v.2 install. Same after Downgrade to v.1. Same with v.1 copy i use now. Hopefully this bump will yield some new answers although the outlook seems grim.. I wont reformat, thats OVERKILL but Dammit man i know its is a basic problem i am having i just need to isolate the issue so i can fix it.I think i need to write R* that is my last option
C'mon man its not a problem at all we are all here for help and info..So when i can help i do and i hope everyone does the same for me.Report back if you can, and let us know how it works for you..i am still testing mods with this "Other" version I have and no problems yet.but the messed up part is that the glitches remain..in this version ie: the cars not showin their burnt carcols. after explosion and the dirty cars that wont get clean too but i have found a mod for that though the dirty cars i mean..I guess that is truly the "give and take of not using our v.2 games Kinda F****D up but thats how it goes.
Anyone in here know of a way to process multiple .img files at once ir: if ther ewere say twenty fdifferent txd files etc that had to be changed for a specific mod to function properly is there a wy to do it simaltaneously as opposed to processing each txd individually? like find then relace then find then replace and so on so on so on son so on ,well you get the picture... im hatin it
Sorry i was not clear enough on what i was askin.What I was askin was what method you installed from meaning an actual disk or a dl'ed=downloaded copy../Which you already answered by the way... I needed to know this in order to discern if you had somehow removed an essential file from within the rar or image blah blah blah..which ever specific means you had stored the files for installation on your machine because in the event you installed using something other than an original copy you could have very well deleted a .cab file or something you needed when you were removing files you found,although i dont think that would have produced quite that type of error. (CRC). 'AS i said in the other reply we can at least now rule out that you may have removed something during your delete everything to do with GTA" frenzy due to the fact that you would be unable to delete any files necessary for reinstall from a store bought disk or a disk which had a properly closed session as they are read only so you cant change any files on there short of screwing up the disk surface which was what Slayer was referring to when he suggested maybe your disk was dirty or scratched...But the other side of that is that you may have still deleted a file that you needed to properly un/reinstall the program still but instead of from a retail disk or a dl copy but from your HDD cuz those specific files are native to your PC after installation and during removal of said program the pc removes those files according to a prewritten order and if certain of those files are not there then you get issues where the computer is lookin for a certain file to be present and its not there OR vice versa the machine is expectin a certain file to not be present prior to an installation but the files are so the pc gets confused and then tells you about it(errormessage)..in my experience as a result of this when you do try to reinstall, the residual files keys & etc that remain on your system could prevent your being able to get a proper in/uninstall for that matter thus producing your error i think. Now to answer your question about registry keys your registry is the place where Windows stores all the info that in so many word tells all your programs what to do and how to do it(configurations and stuff). if your pc were a body then the registry would be the thoughts and the processor would be the brain that turns all those thoughts in to action.. Now as far as GTA and any other programs on your machine is concerned they each have their own set of thoughts (registry keys) some times during a manual uninstallation those keys get left behind like memories of an old girl friend that just F***S you up everytime you think of her (same principle of old abandoned registry keys) hell somethimes during a proper uninstall they get left behind hehehe... Can some body here say DTools v3.47 lol long story short you would have to go to start menu and open the run dialogue box and type regedit and then search there for any keys that pertain to Rockstar and manually delete them and that would do much like you would do on the img. tool or script editor for GTA you would go under edit and type find ROCKSTAR for the folders there and then delete what ever you find relating to said keys. I would however have to strongly discourage you goin in there bangin around in light of the fact that you did not know what a .reg key was i think it would be safe to say that you are NOT familiar with editing it..and if you screw something up in there, bearing in mind how i told you if your pc was the body and the registry and its keys were the thoughts,then try to imagine having a mixed up confused computer meaning it wont work properly cuz it thoughts(keys) were not in order and did not have the abilty to function as it should because of it... So long story short, mess with the registry at your own risk..you can FUBAR yo pc for real. but on the other hand if done correctly most likely would solve your problem.. I still strongly support the easiest and least dangerous method which would be the prog. i suggested to you yesterday. Have you given any thought to that? You know recover the deleted files then do a proper un/reinstall... These are just my suggestions, again im no pro and anyone here with more or better info please help this dude out.. Good luck man..
Ok Malik i can confirm that the mod DOES work it seems as though the problem may be a v.2 problem i say this because i like you bought the game late and have been doomed to this PUNKA*S unmoddable BULLS**T & I too downgraded and was able to use Some mods while others did not work..I was able to get my hands on "Another Type" of GTA SA which was different than my PURCHASED and i used a NOcd patch and i got it to work fine no crash and i was also able to get carspawner v1.1 to work also which would not work on my downgraded Purchased version.It seems that even though we downgraded there may be some files which exist within the installation that still prevents certain mods i think the only thing the DGrder changes is the exe. file and what ever other files which are also present in the install that are not changed are the ones that are preventing us from using some mods ie: the R1 mod.I have yet to confirm though,but i will reistall my V.2 from the disk and see if the same thing happens again but it looks like the "other Type " of GTA SA worked fine with the mods where as my PURCHASED copy did not .So Malik it seems as though the file is not the problem.
Ok well what i can suggest is this you need to find out what you did to screw it up so bad that is an obvious statement...But what i can also suggest is a software that you can use to pull back anything you deleted recently..then you just recover your files back and then just uninstall the right way...then you should be good..other wise you are stuck to try to find out what happend..now as far as your disk being changed(delted a file) that is highly unlikely as retail disks are "locked" (read only) blah blah blah in other words you can take files off unless its not a retail disk in which case even then the disk would have to be left with an open session during the write process in order to alter it later. As Slayer said it could be a disk read error..or as i said you deleted something you needed if i were you i would reboot check the add or remove list to be sure that it is gone then try to reinstall again and i would also check in the registry using regedit command from within the run dialog box found in your start menu then search the registry for any rockstar keys etc in there since as you said that you have already delelted them there should not be any left and if there are you should get them out as they should have been removed during a proper uninstall..Considering you said you cleaned all of that stuff out you should have no rockstar keys left and if there are they should not be there. It just seems that the typical reasons that i have seen people get these CRC errors are because of faulty data or a miscommunication of checksums (file sizes etc) from source to destination ie: file to PC. usually not a major concern but if what you say is correct as far as the original disk being in good shape no scratches etc and there are no read errors from there then you are left with a machine issue..BUT still review the questions i asked earlier and then reply back. were you using a nocd patch & a virtual drive some people do that so they dont ruin their originals disks..i mean you have to give us as much info as you can.I want to help you man just as much as you wnat to be helped...
Ohhh ok i see well i do know that for what ever reason the data the pc is reading is not matching lol..at any rate maybe he will find some info or something to post back se we can help or he can help himself..
Is that the only time CRC cant pass...What if a file is missing? would he get a different error?
I have to say im with you Malik i cant get the R! to work either i have not gotten any error prompts but i do get the half way load up then freeze problem and as soon as i remove it (YAMAHA MOD) GTA works again...maybe there is something we are doing wrong. There may be a problem with the files ( i doubt it ) But i am currently working on THAT one as well as several other mods that are giving me trouble too...I know its not helpin you now man but when i figure that one out as well as the others i will post what worked for me that way if anyone else is having issues we can get the needed info here onsite.
Well first thing to say spencer is that you need to be a lil bit more clear in your decription of deleted everything that had to do with GTA.. 1:Did you use add and remove programs or did you manually remove the associated files using the "delete" 2:If you did manually remove it (GTA SA) did you get the registry keys out?(Shouldnt make much of a diff) 3:How were you playing GTA? ie: on a virtual drive or from an actual disk 4:How did you install GTA ie: dl'ed software package= winrar files, image,retail purchase (relates to# 3) What i will tell you first is that i am no expert.....but it sounds to me that you may be missing some of the installation files needed to reinstall the game..in your deletion process it sounds like you may have deleted some of the files from your pc that you need in order to reinstall, now bear in mind that this is all based on the fact of you possibly having a dl'ed copy of GTA because obviously you would not be able to delete necessary files from a store copy ...I am pretty sure that the cyclic redundancy check merely means for lack of a better description on my behalf and to put it simply, is kinda like a mathematical way for files to be recognized almost like an elctronic id or a fingerprint kinda and it is used to determine size and make up of said files if i am not mistaken. That is a kinda simple description of it,so NO, you dont have to worry it does not mean your pc will blow up or somethin despite the really scary wording of the error message.. there are a couple of ways i can recommend to go in... but i need you to answer the questions above, a little help here Spencer. Primarily #4 as that will tell me if its even at all possible that you somehow deleted a file you needed for installation from an archive located on your HDD..Because when you are manually Deleting something the terms you use in your search are VERY VERY important especially when the files you are attempting to delete are quite possibly named the same way the files you need to reinstall the program are! Ps anyone else who knows more or can help PLEASE chime in or correct me...OR BOTH lol
Yet again TX3000 you have done it...Gone right straight to the point, that was the type of thing i needed to know at least now i know that it surely does have its own spot and i wont continue F****NG up my game tryin to figure it out!!! I as a new poster dont want to step on any toes but really though i do appreciate all the nice DLS up here and all the time that goes in to makin em but I have to stand and be counted with TX on this issue..DAMMIT people PLEASE PLEASE when you guys are puttin your mods up if you really want us to enjoy them then EXPLAIN how to use them ie: (code placement or extra steps or work arounds you found to work with your specific mod )... Im over here loosin my mind tryin to figure this thing out among some other mods i have dled, I am spendin more time tryin to figure out how to get some of this S**T to work than i am actually playin the game this past weekend ,only to be told by someone who i think just might be right.I say this because in retrospect it makes perfect logical sense to me that the problem is not me at all, instead its moreso the placement of said code string being dependent upon the creator...Thanks again TX3000 for the enlightenment. If you know the placement for that super cj mod i would appreciate it if you would share it with me.. PS: i dont want to step on any toes or cross any lines but seriously, i really do appreciate all of you mod/script writers work and effort but dont waste your time and ours if you wont explain how your stuff works...The majority of us dont require baby stepping us through it, just point us in the right direction and we can figure it out at least i can.. but c'mon guys toss a bone.As a mod author if you cant take a lil constructive criticism from your end users then dont post at all. but for all the guys who are takin this and the other numerous posts like it into consideration, then countless thanks to you,and i look forward to many more great mods with Clear and accurate instructions to accompany the many who already do include that with their contributions... Sorry for the rant but i had to get that off i feel better now
Yea formatting the HDD would be a lil over the top for me,although i went and checked my settings for the monitor through my nvidia ctrl pnl and i adjusted a couple of things here and there and no bad GTA.set file as of yet but who knows.. Im not sure that the whole problem wasnt just me tryin to add some mod that was causing my corrupted settings file because i was installing it wrong or what. But what i do know is that i have to see if i can duplicate the problem at will, at least that way i can learn to stay away from it in the future.Because i am starting to try to master the basics of modding. But on another note formatting the Hdd how would that affect my settings file..Of course i know that fdsk would erase e thing obviously, but does formatting the hdd play any role in how that specific file behaves?
Like i was sayin in one of my other posts i am not the typical go and ask in order to get my info guy, i usually try to work it out on my own and i already went and got the latest drivers, in fact that was one of the first things i tried i went stright to the nvidia site and dl'ed the latest nforce stuff..Hell i went to AMD and got the latest drivers for my processor too then i went to creative to get the latest XFI drivers but there werent any newer ones than what i had..I intitially thought graphics issue too but while i did not get my monitor soley for resolution but for a combo of size and resolution i went kinda middle of the road it shows up to like 1366x768 and that is more than the game shows so i sont know...But now in retrospect i think the settings in my nvidia desktop manager are set to something different that may be the issue i will check when i get home to see... now anything within reason is an option
LUCK WHO NEEDS LUCK ??? Nah im kiddinThanks for the well wishes i actually did already configure the mission builder, in fact I used the TUT from YETI and wrote in the bribe pickup he instructed on but as far as the whole superCJ thing i saw no info on that..But as i said before ill get to tryin wut you suggested latwer today when iget back to my house and i am sittin in front of the "monster" thats what i call my machine lol..Right now i am at the dime of my lifes' house using up her bandwidth cuz THATS wut i do.... but since i was working on her network i figured i could check up here to see if i had gotten any responses...
Thanks for the info man, but what i was askin was does anyone know why that is ?I already knew of deleting the file to get the game to run but i what i wanted to know was why do we have to do that??What is causing the defect in the first place you know what i mean...Thats neither typical nor acceptable so i would like to get to the root cause of that in the event that it is something that i can effect one way or another ie: changin my settings or something similar..