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Everything posted by Rakim

  1. Hell Slayer im with you i dont know Doo-Doo bout codin either but i am gonna try to at least learn the basics so i wont have to ask such NooBish questions i hate to feel left out...LOL ill try that suggestion of yours seein as i have not saved any progress yet so i dont have any saved games to worry about. so im guessin that the worse case scenario ill just have to utilize my back ups..
  2. Ok guys anyone know exactly why the GTA.set file keeps getting corrupted so that the only way to get the game to load is to delete said file?I mean if thats what it takes then so be it, but man it happens so often that it gets annoying when i have to keep resetting my preferences over and over again.I was kinda hoping to find out why this is happening so i can prevent it..I have searched but it seems that everyone knows of the file delete fix but noone knows how to prevent it or what caused it in the first place.
  3. Hey Man it was my pleasure i know how it is to need some info & not be able to find what you are looking for or know how to look for it in some instances..Im glad the game is working the way you wanted it to now..So Enjoy all the crazy things you can get your hands on here at this site...
  4. Yea i did actually i read them both thats how i am....But i did not see info as to where to insert code for altering CJ ie: flying..If i missed it i dunno il check again but i am fairly certain that i did not though.
  5. Hello ODD you can download a DOWNGRADER from another site just Google GTA downgrader and it should lead you to the site then you will be able to use most of the mods you ome across..The down grader will change your version 2 exe. to a version 1EU exe. which will enable the use of most of the mods you will find on here but the downside is the fact that in addtion to opening up the "moddabilty "of the exe. it takes away the bug fixes from R* ie: burnt cars wont show their burnt colors and the sound glitch during rain etc.. all of that info i just gave you will be outlined with the file when you find it on the other site..GOOGLE is our friend...lolGood luck...
  6. Okay Jace lol I guessed that the place i needed to paste in in order to get my code to work in game was the place where those type of things needed to be pasted.... But i need to know which spot is the specific spot to paste the string....hehehe if you can understand what i mean???Anyway dude where is that spot? The area within the main scm which controls those aspects of the game?
  7. TX3000 in this post you used the term "proper place" exactly what is the proper place?Should i do a query on the name CJ and paste the code in right there or what? Any help/suggestions will be appreciated .. Thanks in advance
  8. Hello all i am at the end of my rope as far as putting the super cj mod in action i am new to modding and code insertion i have used the tools to insert codes already and am learning as much as i can from trooling the forums for instrucions, but i have not been able to find any solid instruction on how to actually install the code i have searched the forum and i keep getting an error. If anyone has info on it at all i would appreciate it
  9. TX3000 let me say that i have been browsing this site now i guess for the better portion of a week and despite the sometimes harsh way you come across you are a VERY VERY helpful person i have read through quite a few of your posts which simplified several problems that i have had since i started trying to mod GTA SA and i have to say a big hats off and a thank you, i think that your straight forward approach to helping the people around here get their SH*T right on this game is appreciated much. When i have been TRYING TO FIND the answer to certain questions i have because of the fact that i am a bit of a "i'll fix it myself" type guy just show me how it gets frustrating to run into posts that dont give clear info or are just flat out incorrect. So you should pat yourself on the back for providing something so necessary to ANY site which has a section dedicated to helping its members learn things. Especially after searching and searching for clear and concise instructions on certain topics it is good to find some easy to follow and direct instructions for us NooBs..If I had two people like you working for me in my Southwest Market Region i would have to travel a hell of a lot less!!!
  10. TX3000 i do appreciate the info i finally got the residual mod folders to go away but not by using any of the methods either of us thought would work. i still do not know what the issue was but what i do know is that i was able to get rid of the file folders in question by gettting my hands on a keen little move on boot tool and another great unlocker tool, which i i will be more than glad to post links that reference the sites i fonund them on in the event that someone wishes to get them just in case they ever run into issues where they have stubborn files that wont delete for what ever reason...My only sugggestion is simply to be cautious and sensible when using these tools because sometimes windows "locks" (protects them from deletion) certain files for a reason so in light of that you have to be careful when using the tools to "unlock" and force delete files cuz you may very well FUBAR your whole OS So again thanks and off i go to see if i can learn some of this stuff i am reading about around here!!
  11. Well i do apologize,"uninstall" was poor wording as well as a vague description on my behalf although uninstall is the wording that the creator of the SAMI uses as well...when i say uninstall i mean that the folder in which the mod can not be deleted neither manually nor by using the uninstall a mod feature of the SAMI.When i do attempt to use the SAMI i get an error which states that a specific script is not in the folder so the mod wont be used. not in those words but thats a basic translation of the message....I have tried to reinstall the program(GTS SA) but the file in question remains... any ideas? EDIT actual wording of error: The line specified in the script for replace text command does not exist in the specified file. It then gives me a line of script i am lead to believe that if i am able to replace the missing script then i will be able to delete the mod
  12. Firstly i want to say greets to all.Aside from that i am having a problem (a couple actually) with my GTA PC game whereas specific mods wont uninstall i installed the San fierro police car mod and now for what ever reason it wont uninstall from the hard drive i was haivin the typical loading halfway then stopping issue that alot of the guys here were discussing so b4 i asked for help i decided to read the forum a bit and i found that the usual answer was to reinstall so thats what i set out to do and upon my checking for residual folders(something i always so after an uninstall) i found that there were indeed some R* remnants layin around so i proceeded to delete them in order to get a totally "clean" reinstall but i got an error prompting me that there was a problem deleting two of the files.The SF cop car mod and the Big Bob chopper mod but when i tried to uninstall them using the SAMI it told me that a certain string was not found within the file if anyone has had a similar problem or has suggestions on how i can fix mine i would greatly appreciate it... all suggestions are welcome and will be considered:D TANK Q in advance
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