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Everything posted by Rakim

  1. You know wut Slayer, i am with you in that sense but i have to say that being a bit of a perfectionist for the details imma give this a shot cuz i hate the fact that my game when downgraded does not show the blown up car colors and the whole rain glitch and the dirty cars thing.So if i could just use my regular game unpatched and then play the game using all of the good fixes that R* included in the release v.2 when they were tryin to do damage control for Hot Coffee" i would be happy that would be like having my cake and eating it too..Cant wait to see if it works for me too!Hell maybe even fix that delete gta set file thing
  2. I am not sure if you already have the information you needed yet but my friend told me that the only real thing you have to worry about when you start switching around vehicle files and wut not you have to be sure to use a similar car ie: size number of doors etc. because if not when you are driving the collision points and stuff like that will be messed up for example, suppose you find a car that is designed to replace the voodoo but you already have a vehicle mod installed over that car so you use the blista instead well the blista has a different configuration than the voodoo so when you hit something it will appear to bang into the object far before the bumper touches or way before contact is made.Ohh and it something about the vehicles shadows too and lights if i remember correctly i was rushing when we were chattin...So long story short it looks like we were wrong...You can swap the vehicles just with some issues that can be worked out by changing the the collision file and something else i think when i get back in contact with him again i will get a more concise answer on how to fix it...
  3. Thanks Jace all help is appreciated i will be fiddlin around with it myself i am takin tomorrow and friday off cuz i have to prepare for a bike ride comin up this weekend.I gotta make my personal weight goal for the ride i have to say personal cuz i will never be as skinny as those pros cuz my muscle mass is too dense but a good cycling weight for me is still heavy for some of those 160lb guys on my team! lol @me being that skinny,Good thing is i am much stronger than them so i make up for it in brute power. That might be a lill TMI but i am PSYCHED likea MUF***A right now bout this ride and i had to share it so scuse me... Back to the topic i will have som extra time on my hands next couple of days to see what i come up with on this plane thing,although it seems you are right because i have tried all sorts of changes with no luck but there has to be some controller for those planes as they are not just random parts of the game we can interact with them so there has to be a way to govern that interaction probably not the typical way we think..
  4. Good im glad that helped you out ...
  5. I was talkin to one of my friends who is really into modding games and there just may be a way to do what you were referring to, he is helpin me and when he gets back to me ill let you know...!!
  6. Still no luck yet i tried to mod the numbers a you suggested i saw what seems to be minimal at best (if any) increase in speed but no increase in thrust etc...HELL for all i know i might be TRIPPIN it could have been my mind playin tricks on me cuz i wanted that DAMN plane to be goin faster... Who knows? I will do everything i can to get this thing workin i cant imagine them makin it "unmoddable" in that sense...lol.. And when i do imma post it up here so we can all be driving "SUPER SONIC MACH 5 crash yo ass into a wall and blow up jets!!!!!!!!"
  7. Jace and I kinda broke it down for you in the other post when you asked same this question on changing cars with the GXTeditor and if it could be done. did you think we were kidding you? Now as far as how to use the GXT editor i will add a link that pretty much tells you exactly how to use the GXT editor the author of said post is not longer with this site because of his kinda brash approach to helpin people but this is none the less a good tutorial by a good guy on how to use a program that has little to no CORRECT instructions floating around... Good luck i hope this helps TX3000's GXTEdit Tutorial
  8. This may seem like adumb question...BUUUUUUUTTTTT are you sure that you are selelcting the file in teh list when you are giving it the command to open the gta3.img file it should be located in this DIR ...C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\script.. See if that helps any..
  9. Like Timmy said you may have installed it wrong especially if you used the SAMI it is a good installer but i recommend manually installing because the SAMI sometimes does not work for different reasons, usually because the specific file you are tryin to install does not hav ethe necessary Sami install script to tell the program what to do with the file .. So in that event its like giving some one the parts to a space shuttle and no instructions on how to build it Now you that weve established that in order to get goin you are gonna need to open it up (The Hummer file) and in order to do that you need an img tool,so go and search it out on the site if you dont already have it. img 2.0 or spark either will work i usually use the img 2.0. once you have that you will follow the readme inside your DLed file on how to intall the TXD and DFF files **be sure to back up wut ever you change(ie: the TXD and DFF files) that is a must i would not ignore that advice if i were you.. Once you have done that inside you should find a couple of lines of data for handling config and carcols data. you will need to copy and paste said lines (handling and carcols) into their corresponding folders within the C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\ folder once all that is done you should be able to find you car in the game where ever the specific car it will replace would have been,according to which car it replaces,determines the frequency it shows up in game. you can change that by downloading a car spawn program if you like, that way you can check to see if you did it right without waitin for it to just show up. Bear in mind that all that is dependant upon the very first question you were asked in the first reply : what version do you have and have you successfully downgraded it if you do in fact have a v.2 game..Because none of this hotness you will find on this site will work with a v.2 game (for the most part) Ohh and by the way,REINSTALL is usually a "cure all" but should only be used as a last resort Unless you dont mind doin it over and over again it kinda like SHOOTING your Dawg to get rid of the FLEAS Ya feel me? Any way hopefully that helps and good luck..
  10. LOL thats pretty funny But here you go man hope it helps IMO=In my opinion IMHO=In my honest opinion BTW=By the way IDK=I dont know AFIK=As far as i know
  11. First before you do that try to delete the GTA user setttings file (gta_sa.set) in the my documents folder sometimes it gets corrupted and will cause the symptoms you are referring to..If that does not work ask your self these questions and post back the answers so that we might be able to help you more. 1.Were you ever able to play the game? 2.What version GTA SA are you using? you can tell in the bottom right corner of your screen on start up (i know you said patched but check to be sure) 3.IF you were able to play b4 when did your problems start ie: after you installed a mod, downgraded etc. Good luck
  12. I tryed to change the 10.0 figure under thrust to 30.0 i di dnto see much of a diff at all if any i will try your idea too and see what i get my game did not crash either i am not sure if that is becasue it changed nothing or becuase we are on teh right track i have to get out of here right now though i do appreciate your help i will get back on it later on if i figure it out i will post what i did.. i was looking at the speedres figures too do you know what they control maybe if we increase those ill try it when i get back and post what i find there were two entries there maybe they control it.
  13. yea i was just coming back to say that i went in and chnged the 200.0 to 300.0 and the 16.0 32.0 and i had no luck i will try that and see wut happens.. Thanks for your help Ilan
  14. Okay i will give that a shot i dont think i tired that i will get in there and see wut i can come up with hopefully that will help me...
  15. Yea i did its not the operation of the plane i know how to raise and lower the gear and the thrusters hehehe i can fly that b**ch between the bridge uprights.. I just dont think it goes fast enough..I would imagine in order to get it to move faster i would have to mod the handluing config file but another guy tried that and had no luck..And that was the only other thread i could find which refers to it i will find it again an dlink to it you know they said its always good to work together mayb eif i post the thread someone will read it and know what me and this other guy is doing wrong Hydra speed topic
  16. Ok i think the REAL seventh swiss art form is actually reading and not video games as your signature would imply..or at least it SHOULD be anyway cuz then maybe you would have READ my post as opposed to your attempt to make fun of me or anyone else who may have not made it as far as or beyond vertical bird. (unduely attempted i might add) LOL We are all here for help and info.I try to help out everyone i can and the only real time i ever take a jab at a person is for not taking the time to read for their answers or maybe double posting or something crazy like that. Now lets just say for a moment i hadnt made it past vertical bird bcuz i could not operate the hydra,Then i find this really kool website where i think i can go to get some help & i post a question and i get ridiculed, now how would that make me feel or how would it make you feel? Point is this it really bothers me when people want the answers to be spoon fed to them instead of lookin for them but if that is true then it truuuuly bothers me even more when a person is so quick to clown someone and they them selves have not READ the question or maybe YOU just did not comprehend .But none the less that is unacceptable, so dont treat people that way man. Now as the second post from Ilan said i want to MOD the hydras speed not know how to operate it.And for that matter if i merely wanted to know how to fly it why would i ascend to max height then flip the thrusters instead of flipping them as I am rising to do a more controlled and speedier thrust into the sky!??!Por Que, you ask? How about less time to get hit when you have a higher wanted level and possibly being chased by jets.Perhaps YOU should try that. Now if you can offer up no real info or viable answers towards my question as far as how to improve (mod) the speed of the Hydra,you know that stuff is called advice.Its what Ilan did. Now if you dont have any of that then i suggest you Keep it movin homie and stop spamming up my thread with your Wonderful wit. Cuz i have to READ this looking for my answers. Thanks Yea thanks Ilan i know i have to mod something in there, most likely the handling config file but the one post i found that addressed my topic had the poster had tried to mod that file and had no luck.but any ways thanks for giving it a shot though i will keep looking.If you find anytihng post back please
  17. Has anyone been able to effectivley get the Hydra's Top speed higher it seems a little lopsided when compared to some of the land vehicles ie:supergt NRG500 etc. they are FASTER than the GOT D**N Hydra..HOW is that possible? I mean cmon R* its a F***ING Jet.. Anyone with info on modding the accelleration and top speed of this not so fast "jet" please share..LOL its greatly appreciated..I browsed and browsed and found only one topic concerning this and it had no answers either.
  18. Thats No Prob man,its just that i enjoy comin here to get info and to help out when i can to so resultingly i read the forum a hell of a lot. So when i am on here and I to have to wade through alot of the same stuff over and over it makes it harder.So with that said its not a jab at you,moreso a jab at the idea of people not browsing for some of the info they need.So dont even sweat it dude good luck on gettin that whole thing workin so you can enjoy some of this crazy stuff up here..
  19. Timmy,Homeboy wuts up man are you posting stuff just to see your typin? That same question you asked earlier has been answered in one of yourEARLIER POSTS ... It is really rough when a person wont even take the time to read their OWN posts let alone everyone elses in order to get the info they need! isnt that the same question you asked earlier? Did you think that we were lying when we told you the first time??...LOL Go figure..
  20. OHHHH no i did not mean that against you Jace lol i was sayin to Damien not to double post cuz you would not have wasted your time responding to it...you would have been better served using that time to help someone else out...thats all .. You are doing what we all here are sposed to be doing,which is coming here for info and then helpin each other out ...
  21. Yes all this is possible but not with the v.2 exe file, you need to downgrade look in the topics for a link to a downgrader i would post a link to it for you but it has been discussed quite a lot recently (today) so for me to post a link and for you would be a shame...AND you not seeing the topics on it in the front page of todays postings I dunno man you might be slippin lol hmmmmmm...Nah im kidding but really Timmy check in the posts & find the link to downgrader(there are several by the way) and use it. then you should be able to use all the mods you are reading about...well the ones that work anyway... LOL So long story short NOPE you wont be able to do it bcuz R* straight up F***ED us out of that ability on the v.2 release of their game ..(can you say Hot Coffee )
  22. We got him taken care of in his OTHER post. Thats why its never a good idea to double post...LOL here Jace is responding in this topic when the guy (damien) had posted and gotten a reply in another thread,that is one of the reasons why forum mods always say Do NOT double post.
  23. Yes Most def, Jace IS correct man, the files names are like links and each one corresponds to pulling up that specific vehicle and its info and if you change it then the PC does not know how to find said bits of information thats why when changing names etc you have to use a special tool like the GXT EDITOR That is the right way to change your in game text. and you do that so that the names correspond within the files.So long story short if you go screwin around with substituting different files for ones you prefer you will run into problems 4 real. You can download the GXT editor and change some of your vehicles names or other in game text & thats about it but understand that if a specific file ie: a NRG500 mod is written to replace a certain in game item(NRG500) you have to use THAT file on the relevant item, ie:txd and dff files. If they dont match, as Jace said then your game WILL be messed up. Worst case scenario: you will not load you will only get a 50% load then freeze up or best scenario, that specific vehicle wont show up in game at all..and me personally since i have not tried this i cant say which would be your outcome i am leaning more towards the first one...But feel free to Try It your game lol Good luck i hope this helps.
  24. Yea maybe he would have & i would probably have deserved it too Cuz i mean wut use is it to a guy who has no clue to be told what to do but not how to do it? I have learned that when you are tryin to do something or get info on how to do it it stinks when you get told what to do but have NO earthly idea on how to set out to get it done..Although i am firm believer in makin some of these fools do some reading, i do know how it feels to have your questions go unanswered or answered incorrectly....I have a few of those lingering in this forum right now lol (unanswered questions) But to get back on topic i do think that manual is always better because it always help to see the code thats goin in your machine plus less automation means less of a chance for a F**K up you know what i mean..And as far as TX3000 i think he was a bit harsh at times..But seriously Jace you have to admit TX3000 got stuff done and he ususally had good information even if the way he presented his info was hard-nosed he always had easy to follow steps on the stuff he helped out on,So i cant talk badly about him.
  25. Thanks Jace that is perfect, i cant believe that i instructed him to do a manual install and did not give an explanation as to how he should do it..
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