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Kitsune Inferno

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Posts posted by Kitsune Inferno

  1. I bought a third party fan stand, but that thing didn't really work. I found a lot of dust in the fans of both the fan stand and the 360. The last time I saw a DVD on it, it went through the whole movie, but that was before it was acting up. I put it in an entertainment center, which has a lot of room for it. Hell, I unplugged it for 23 hours and it froze up after 6 minutes. My hope is that I don't have to buy a new one, because that would take a few months.

  2. My 360 has problems playing games. After a while, three lights (quadrents 1,3, and 4) started flashing. Games will only play for three minutes. I tried unplugging it for a while, I tried taking off the hard drive, nothing works. Can you guys help?

    BTW: I can't send it back to Microsoft; the warrenty already expired and I voided it, anyway.

  3. My tip is to find a R* secretary and follow him/her to his/her house. Then sleep with them at least three times. Then he/she should call you and then your plan can come into fruitation. That or you could post this on all the popular GTA forums, R* checks for ideas like this.

  4. Yeah, but if you could enter EVERY building, we'd have to sacrifice city size. And I don't know about you, but I care more about going from the ghettos to beaches a lot more than going into every sex shop. (Unless they have useable chainsaw dildos.)

  5. You can have MY Premium Xbox 360, PGR3, Dead Rising, Saint's Row, DOA4, GRAW, Full Auto, backwards compatibility disc, extra faceplate, extra controller, quick charge kit, and A Madcatz Fan stand for the low, low price of $1,348!

    EDIT: And I'll throw in my 52-inch RCA HDTV for an extra $2500!

  6. Time to jump on the sig request bandwagon.

    Size: 200x400 (whichever is widest)

    Font: The same font used for "Grand Theft Auto"

    Description: That famous screen with a shirtless CJ walking with dual Tec 9s.

    Text: Tec 9 pwns YOU

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