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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. When you leave the Easter Bay Airport, you're directed to go to the Pay 'n' Spray. Edit: You actually don't have to go there and you can head straight for The Pleasure Domes but it won't be shown on the map since you'd still have a wanted level but the red marker will still be there.
  2. [Thunder] [Megan Comes In] [Crowd Laughing] [Audrey Comes In] Audrey: Hi. [Looks Over At Megan] [Audrey Grunts, Crowd Oohs] Audrey: [sternly] Drake, Josh! Drake and Josh: Uh... [Crowd Laughing] Audrey: Look at Megan. Josh: She's wet. [Crowd Laughing] Megan: Everyone can see I'm wet, you boob. Audrey: You couldn't even stop playing video games for a while to go pick up your sister. Drake: Josh. [Crowd Laughing] Audrey: Or sit around eating 20 pounds of junk food. Josh: Drake. [Crowd Laughing]
  3. Audrey: Drake, Josh? Drake and Josh: Uh... Audrey: I'm going out. Megan's at Eddie's house and it's about to pour rain so take this umbrella and pick her up, okay? Drake and Josh: Uh... [Crowd Laughing] Drake: Hey, Josh, you should really go pick up Megan. Josh: Okay, see you when you get back with Megan! [Crowd Laughing]
  4. Okay, I'll get you your Soy Latte, even though I have no idea what it is.
  5. The Shoreside Vale safehouse in GTA III was in no way hidden. Really, you're making the word safehouse sound more literal than it should be. It's just a way to get away from cops if you have a wanted level if that safehouse is enterable and all that.
  6. You're feeding a lamb Moca Cola?
  7. Peyton: Welcome, to I Say, You Say. I'm Dr. Phillips Mary: And I'm also Dr. Phillips
  8. Keep it locked, keep it loaded.
  9. Lazlow: I'm a buster! I'm a buster! Whatever that means.
  10. You're not gonna hit someone with a heart condition, are you?
  11. I wouldn't want to detail anything about the Avenger but I was thinking of adding the spawn points of where the thugs would spawn if they were only in one place. I've only tested it on Portland and have that pretty much done, but I have to see the points where they would spawn in Staunton and Shoreside Vale.
  12. Yeah, I did get confused the first time I did the Avenging Angel missions in Portland and had to go down to the subway when I had no idea when they were there. That's so good, I have to add a new section about that.
  13. [singing] If I'm not back by 10, call the cops.
  14. Cory: Stanley, my dad's 'bout to take you to school. Stanley: Okay, and if I learn my lesson, I want that big, shiny thing. [Points at Trophy] [Crowd Oohing] Victor: Alright. but if I win, you give back all the stuff you hustled. Stanley: Bring it on, city-wide. [Crowd Laughing] Victor: Young man, you don't know what you messin' with. [stanley Ping-Pongs The Ball Into Victor's Mouth] [Crowd Exclaims, Laughing]
  15. Drake: It was 8 years ago and I was in line for the foam finger when a kid was being so obnoxious and mean to me. Little Drake: Hey, I'm Drake. Little Josh: Josh. Orphan Girl: [british Accent] Excuse me, I only have 3 weeks to live. Can I get in front of you? Every minute counts. [Crowd Laughing] Little Drake: Sure Little Josh: Oh, for the love of crud! [Crowd Laughing] Vendor: Next. Little Josh: He said next! Get your butt out of your ears! [Crowd Laughing] Vendor: Hey, kid, it seems like you got the last one. Little Josh: Last one?! You're going down, punk. [both Yelling and Fighting]
  16. Josh: What you cooking? [Audrey Puts Up A Spoon Full of Underwear] Audrey: To save money, your father bought second-hand underwear off the internet. [Crowd Laughing] Audrey: Drake said to meet him down at the water park. Josh: Water park? Audrey: Wait, did Drake lie to me? Is he going skydiving? Josh: [babbling] Uh, no, I just forgot, we were going to the water park. [Yelling] I'm going Drake, to the water park! [Crowd Laughing] [Music] [Walter Comes In The Room and Drinks What's In The Pot] [Crowd Laughing] [Walter Fiddles Around and Finds The Boiled Second-Hand Underwear] [Walter Faints] [Crowd Laughing]
  17. To save money, your father bought second-hand underwear off the internet.
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