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Everything posted by zmoonchild

  1. I stumbled on this one by accident. Most of you are familiar with the ability to go anywhere in the game without getting any wanted level or any stars, during various missions. The first mission that allows you to do this is the ‘Reuniting the Families’ mission. However, you can go anywhere you want to prior to that mission. It’s during the ‘Los Sepulcros’ mission. After Kane is killed, Sweet goes to get a getaway car. At this point in the mission you can go anywhere in the game and the cops will almost completely leave you alone. You’ll still get a wanted level, however the cops just ignore it and leave you alone. You can beat them and kill them and they’ll still just leave you alone. You can go to the other sections of the game that haven’t been unlocked yet (such as Las Ventures and San Fierro), get a 4-star wanted level, and the cops still won’t do anything to you. Collect all the horseshoes and oysters, and take all the snapshots without any hassle. There are exceptions to this: First, if you enter a building (such as a restaurant, police station, anything), then leave, a small group of cops will be waiting outside, and will start shooting at you when you exit; however, all other cops just ignore you. You can simply run away and eventually that small group of cops will disappear; or you can just kill them. Second, while you’re driving, a police car will occasionally dart in front of you (like he’s trying to stop you), however, the cop seems to forget that he’s trying to cut you off and simply pulls over and gets out. He won’t do anything to you after that. Third, if you attempt to fly an aircraft, a Hydra will materialize and attempt to shoot you down, but that’s the only other aircraft that appears. No police or media aircraft at all. What’s the benefit of this versus the ‘Reuniting the Families’ mission? People. There are people and vehicles moving around everywhere; which means that finding a vehicle to get around in is very easy. IT’S NOT A GHOST TOWN. There was an added benefit for myself; I like to collect special cars throughout the game. However, I could never get a Bullet or a Turismo from a 4-star zone back to Los Santos. With this exploit during the ‘Los Sepulcros’ mission I was able to take my time and drive a Packer from Las Ventures into Red County across the bridge to the Montgomery Intersection. There’s a barrier at the south end of the bridge that cannot be crossed. I used the Packer as a ramp and jumped the vehicles onto dry-land. At that point I could do anything I wanted to with those cars. It’s impossible to get a Turismo during the ‘Reuniting the Families’ mission because they don’t have any parked locations (at least none that I’m aware of) The only other way I’ve been able to get a Bullet or a Turismo in Los Santos at that point in the game was during the Vigilante Missions, which rarely happens.
  2. UPDATED on Dec. 22, 2007 This is v1 (the original version) without any mods, patches, or upgrades. NO CHEATS This is a completely legitimate game. Download the latest version, click here This version is currently 13.37% complete up the mission “In The Beginning” Also, C.J. has never been Wasted or Busted. please note, that this is only for the latest version, not the older saved-games that are still listed below. Anything that can be done prior to ALL of the story missions has been completed, and I mean everything, well, short of becoming ‘King of San Andreas’. This was done just to see how many things could be completed immediately after the game began, and before the mission “Big Smoke” This saved-game starts on: Wednesday at 06:30 which is the same day and time that Tenpenny and Pulaski throw C.J. into the alley at the beginning of the game. Technically it actually starts at 6:28, because after the game is first loaded up, there’s 2 seconds of visual fade-in before you can actually see the time display. I did this intentionally by saving the game on a Wednesday at 00:28. The game is saved at the Jefferson Safe house, which is less than 2 blocks from that same alley. I tried to keep Safehouse visits to a minimum; there are 27 total. C.J. has the following: 1) $999,999,999 (I used the Inside Track Betting trick to get it that high - no cheats or mods.) 2) Armor at 150 3) Pilot Ranking of “Ace” 4) Minigun, and all of the best weapons The Minigun, M4, SMG, and Combat Shotgun all have 10,000 + rounds each, so ammo totals don't show. 5) Pilots License has been obtained and he has access to all airports, but he still hasn't taken Flying School yet. 6) Luck at 1000 7) Health increased to maximum: 150 8) Full Muscle 9) C.J. is wearing the white shorts from the Chiliad Challenge, and is marked up with tattoos from both San Fierro and Las Ventures. He also has full muscles. 10) All 6 available Safehouses have been purchased. 11) 4 vehicles for Exports & Imports (for the 1st list) have been stored in the Doherty garage in San Fierro: a Patriot, Stretch, Sanchez, and a Camper 12) Total Respect has increased enough so that C.J. can run a 6-man gang The following side-missions have been completed: 1) Firefighter Mission 2) Paramedic Mission 3) Taxi Mission 4) Pimping Mission 5) Burglary Mission 6) Vigilante Mission 7) The Roboi's Food Mart Courier Mission in Los Santos 8) The Hippy Shopper Courier Mission in San Fierro 9) The Burger Shot Courier Mission in Las Venturas 10) Weapon Skill Levels are all at ‘Hitman’ (I did a lot of shooting - no cheats or mods) Also, the following Challenges have been completed: 1) BMX Challenge 2) Chiliad Challenge, Scotch Bonnet 3) Chiliad Challenge, Birdseye Winder 4) Chiliad Challenge, Cobra Run 5) NRG-500 Challenge And, all of the Stadium Events have been completed: 1) 8-Track 2) Blood Bowl 3) Kickstart 4) Dirt Track In addition to all of that: 1) 100 out of 100 Tags have been sprayed 2) 50 out of 50 Snapshots have been taken 3) 50 out of 50 Oysters have been collected 4) 50 out of 50 Horseshoes have been collected 5) 70 out of 70 Unique Jumps found 6) 69 out of 70 Unique Jumps completed All skills have been maxed out: 1) Flying Skill 2) Bike Skill 3) Cycling Skill 4) Gambling Skill, ‘Whale’ status, he can borrow up to $1,000,000 5) Driving Skill (I did a lot of driving - no cheats or mods) There are no failed missions. The ‘Mission Attempts’ total is higher than the ‘Missions Passed’ total due to missions such as the Chiliad Challenge which offsets both of these totals. Fast Food places are already open, due to a disastrous date with Michelle. The original audio message that C.J. says as he approaches Grove is still there. I used other missions to keep from triggering it. I moved vehicles into the Johnson house garage, and sprayed painted the Gang Tag that’s on the base of the overpass bridge on Grove Street during those missions. All garages contain fast and/or rare vehicles, including a Seasparrow that’s been stored on top of the Mulholland Safe house garage. They were obtained during various Vigilante missions without cheats; Euros, Hotknife, etc. I used the Vigilante trick to get special vehicles to spawn - no cheats or mods. All “i” information icons are still in place. C.J. has the following weapons: 1. Brass Knuckles 2. Knife 3. Desert Eagle 4. SMG (MP5) 5. M4 6. Combat Shotgun 7. Sniper Rifle 8. Minigun 9. Tear Gas 10. Camera 11. Silver Vibrator 12. Parachute Here are other various Stats: Criminal Ranking: OG, 213209 Player: Armor: 150 Pilot Ranking: Ace Times Drowned: 0 Number of Hospital Visits: 0 Total number of Girlfriends: 3 Luck: 1000 Crimes: Times Busted: 0 Achievements: Progress with Michelle 10.00% Progress with Barbara 15.00% Progress with Katie 15.00% Unique Jumps found: 70 out of 70 Unique Jumps done: 69 out of 70 Tags Sprayed: 100 out of 100 Snapshots taken: 50 out of 50 Oyster Collected: 50 out of 50 Horseshoes collected: 50 out of 50 Mission: Mission Attempts: 18 Missions Passed: 15 Misc: Progress Made: 13.37% Safehouse Visits: 27 I wanted to thank OrionSR for letting me know that additional Vigilante Missions would not increase the Mission Attempts total; it helped with this Ultimate Starter game. The older saved games are still available for download, for those who still may want them. However, the newer saved-games are much better. The Stats on the older saved-games are not as good; and those Stats are included in their appropriate .zip folder. Download the latest version, click here Ultimate_Starter_Game.zip Ultimate_Starter_Game___Sept_07.zip
  3. I wanted to say to everyone that I tried to add a Saved-Game for San Andreas on the “Submit a Modification” page, but was ignored. Why? I don’t know. After that, I started getting junk e-mail on my personal e-mail account. Thanks a lot The-GTA-Place, I won’t be submitting anything else.
  4. I have discovered (by accident) two different ways to win the Chiliad Challenge. I did not use any cheats, however, some purists may argue that. I simply did what the game allowed me to do in order to win the races. For the Scotch Bonnet Route (I discovered this one by accident really), I drove a Rancher up the mountain; when I got close to the top (about 4 or 5 sharp curves away), I abandoned the Rancher and continued on foot. During the race, I noticed that the Rancher was still there on the trip back down. So, for the next race I decided to position the Rancher at an angle behind a blind curve, and next to a cliff with a sheer drop. The Rancher was angled so that it appeared to be easier to go in the direction of the cliff (which had a very long drop). I started the race, and sure enough, all 5 of the other cyclists came around the curve and went straight off the cliff, and there was no way for any of them to get back up up the mountain; so I simply coasted down the rest of the way and won. For the Birdseye Winder Route, I tried the same thing with the Rancher, but there weren’t any locations next to a sheer cliff that were also close enough the starting point to keep the Rancher from disappearing. By now, I also realized that the Camper and the Journey that are parked at the top of Mount Chiliad would work just as well (I’m thinking that maybe that’s why they’re parked up there). I used the Journey to block the path about 2 or 3 sharp curves down; during the race, the other 5 racers were diverted off the path long enough for me to get a really long lead ahead of them, and I was able to win the race. For Cobra Run, I stopped at the point where the there’s a small gully-path in the rock (just before the drop that takes you to the wooden ramps). At that location I stopped and got off the bike, the game informed me that I had 25 seconds to get back on the bike or I would be disqualified, no problem. I pulled out my heat-seeking rocket launcher (which I had gotten from a previous mission), and fired it at both of the other racers while they attempted to negotiate the wooden ramps, killing both of them. The game didn’t disqualify me for killing them like it would have if I had tried gunning them down while I was still on the bike. At that point I simply got back on the bike and took my time finishing the race; and of course I won.
  5. I checked it out, it's the Secondary Fire - which happened to be Right Ctrl. Just like you said
  6. Thanks, but I reconfigured the keyboard controls so that Left Control fires, it's no longer on a default setting. Do you happen to know what the function is called?
  7. I'm about 91% complete, and I still haven't finished the BMX Challenge. I can't figure out how to Bunny Hop. I'm playing on a PC. A friend of mine said to press jump, but he has a Playstation, not a PC; and all that did was make the bike pop a wheelie. Could someone tell me how to Bunny Hop? What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  8. I deleted the .set file, but it didn't work. I'll try re-installing the game and deleting the files, I haven't tryed that yet.
  9. Thanks, I tried two different mice (both optical), and still had the same problem. I also cleaned eveything off, still had no effect. I don't know what the "blend" is that you reffered to, so I wasn't sure what you meant to do. I am going to try finding a mouse that isn't optical to see if that does it. Thanks again for the help
  10. Whenever I’m in a vehicle and in motion, the camera shot (how I see the vehicle) doesn’t change in relation to the vehicle. For example, when the car spins out, sometimes the car will face towards me, the computer doesn’t automatically rotate my shot of the car so that I’m behind it again, so I can’t see what’s in front of the car. Also, when this happens, I usually press the wrong button, forward versus backward or vice-versa. It is the most frustrating aspect of this game. I also have three other games installed on my computer: GTA III, Vice City, and DRIV3R, and none of them do this. The camera shot always remains behind the vehicle, so I’m not experiencing this problem on them. I looked through the options for San Andreas and can’t find anyway to keep the shot behind the car. Does anyone know if there is a way to keep the shot behind the vehicle all the time? Or, is there a mod that can be applied to change this?
  11. I recently installed Vice City on my computer. I have never played this game before. I tried adjusting the mouse sensitivity, but found out that it cannot be adjusted; so the screen is zig-zaging all over the place with the slightest touch of the mouse. The mouse-sensitivity slide bar moves and changes, but the actual performance of the mouse is unchanged. I also have three other games on my computer: San Andreas, GTA III, and DRIV3R, and none of them are experiencing this issue. I can adjust the mouse sensitivity on those games without any problem. The screen moves more slowly, which is better for game play. Does any anyone have any suggestions?
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