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Posts posted by Alistair

  1. Chances are, whatever legal dooda they have to give xbox and ps3 the same exclusivity, also applies for the add-ons. i can't imagine the game makers being arsed enough to make two different extra contents every time they release one, so i think it'll all be the same, released at the same time. and then when they release the PC version, they'll put the game with all the added content already there!!! PLEASE! And start work on the next GTA. In my perfect world at least.

  2. Jace, nah you just annoyed me, I do actually quite like america. But to answer your question, the exchange rate is better here, so our pounds go a lot further in the states than you dollars do, if you get what i mean, people go to nyc from the uk just to save money by buying loads of stuff in nyc and it works out cheaper than if they'd bought it in the uk!

  3. Well, I'm from the UK, so what if I bought a PS3 from the USA? Would the games still work if I got a power adapter?

    I must admit, as damn ugly as the PS3 is, I would rather be playing Gran Turismo than war games (which I don't really like).

    And yeah, I do plan on getting a Wii eventually as well, man those things look cool! Poor graphics, but cool! Nintendo have done a good thing there.

  4. Well (in reply to everbody but Jace for being such a dick in the other forum), the thing is, it seems to me that I already have a killer PC, and most xbox stuff seems to exist on PC, but Playstation has far more exclusive games......i think. But I'd really rather go for the most powerful console.....I always thought that would be the PS3, but a lot of comments about it being crapier than expected suggest that maybe it isn't as good? If only they'd make GTA IV for PC first like they did GTA3! (if i remember correctly) Getting that game was probably the best moment of my gaming life!

  5. Wow, I can honestly say, I'm glad I live in Europe and the not the USA, because nobody over hear would be such a .... well, I don;t need to say it, do I? If you disagree, make your point and be done, you are one intolerant son of a biatch. I don't like some new features of the xbox, or how you won't get all the stuff if you have a ps3 and not an xbox, and vice versa.

    And btw, sims isn't only for the PC, f***ing retard.

  6. I can't imagine it's been as sucessfull as full games.

    I think you both missed my point, if they are making the content NOW, then why isn't it going in the game? Why wait to release stuff that they could have put in the game? That's just trying to cream more money out of us unfairly!

    "QUOTE(Alistair @ Mar 15 2007, 04:34 PM)

    but I will not be paying for them, nor will most people

    "Back up this argument with proof else it isn't valid.""

    Have you any idea how sucessfull the bittorrent community is? Probably a lot more than the live marketplace. Not that I'm suggesting people use it because I'll be buying my copy of GTA IV, as I did all the GTAs, but many people, between having to pay for a few missions, and finding them free online, will go for the online option. If, in my opinion, however, rockstar decide to release expansion packs, as oblivion did, it is far more appealing to go out and buy that in the shops....call it, like so they can have the full collection, rather than this pay-per-view idea that xbox seem to use. But hey, we're all different.

  7. I suppose that's true! I'm not against technology, I just like to own something....I dunno, it just isn't the same when you download it. I've no problem if they want to add cars and stuff, but like it worked in Sims, because that didn't have a storyline. But when the best cars are the banshee cheetah etc, then they could start adding cars that break the feel of the game, I don't know, maybe I will like it, it's just to me if they say they are already making exclusive downloadable content, that they could have put what they're making into the game now, that's why I feel a little ripped off.

  8. Do what I did in GTA SA, use a no-cops cheat, swim to Las Vegas, go straight to the nearest casino, and get myself a couple 100k in the bank before I start out the missions :D

    Oh, and I'll make sure I try finding all the "easter eggs" in the areas you can roam BEFORE all the gangs decide they want my blood!

  9. I see, and what happens when your hard drive f***s up and you have to download it again? You can't burn the mod to dvd yourself if it's on a console, and burnt dvd's don't last too long before they start to degrade. Call me a traditionalist, but for the years i've been playing games, I've never had to pay for a game that you don't properly own, and when they made the game, they'd finish it. Fine, they can add mission packs like oblivion, but at least oblivion make it far more official and release it properly. At the end of the day, I ain't going to be paying for download-only official games, that doesn't mean to say I won't play them, but I will not be paying for them, nor will most people, so in the end, the companies will be costing themselves more money than the shockingly low costs of mass production dvds.

  10. I really hate the idea of "exclusive content", what a rip off! You pay for a game, you should get the whole thing! If they want to release a mission pack for it, they should sell it in the shops, like oblivion. I don't like the idea of paying for something you can't hold, i would never pay for missions like on xboxlive or whatever it is, i'd only buy dvds/cds!! Anyone else agree with this?

  11. I myself don't think the character should be customised (outside of clothes, hair, and gym-training), it would basically mean you can't have a storyline, or would have to have a storyline as basic as GTA3, where it wouldn't really have mattered so much what your character was.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - WARNING: Intense Rambling Ahead - - - - - - - - - - -

    I do however think a variety of different characters to choose from, each having different storylines, would be pretty cool.

    Let's take for example, if the game IS based in London and you start out as a cab driver. Then for argument's sake lets say you do the usual "working yourself up to become the big don of the city" style thing. Let's take three examples: a woman, an indian guy, and a british-born black guy. The only real difference in storylines would be any family contact in the game (like Sweet in SA), how some of your conversations go with certain people, and comments from people on the street. And that's it. (assuming they miss out the horrific idea of girlfriends in the game). Doesn't require too much extra and it doesn't really impinge on the main storyline. It would also be cool to, because of the vast size the GTA IV locality will be, have a few completely different storylines, with pre-made characters. I've always felt that the cities in GTA (and especially in the game Mafia) weren't as well used as they could have been. Stupid "easter eggs" had to be implemented in order to see all the different places in the games, but more or a bigger storyline might allow for it all to be seen. Like in SA, why exactly would a guy from the slums of south LA want to go to the slums of north LA or Vegas? Once you've already gotten out of your slum, you won't want to step foot in a slum again. So the ability to play as various characters (as seperate games all in GTA IV) would mean each character comes from each slum, and are the sterotype from that slum.

    For example: Hot south american woman (like catalina) from Vagos territory, whatever the hell Ballas are, from their territory, an asian guy from san fierro, white-trash from one of the trailer parks, etc etc....could be a alot of fun and let the player relate to the game a little better.


    We have all heard plenty members suggesting that they want to be able to customise their character in GTA IV, however, would it damage the storyline? Would the game even have a story line if we created our character from scratch? For example, would GTA:SA have worked if you picked your character as a white middle-aged man?


    Who thinks that instead of creating your character, or having just one character like with old GTA games, you can pick your character from a variety of different pre-made characters, each one having slightly varying storylines? This could even include female characters.

  13. Nah, something tells me it won't be restricted to just one city, probably over a whole US state or in my opinion over the whole of England, I don't know. Then again, (and correct me if I am wrong), the cities they have made so far haven't exactly been as big and vast as in real life, and perhaps they are making it in one full city, that really would be massive, and a lot of fun to play!!

  14. Don't be so critical tilly! Well...not until you produce some GTAIV fakes, and like I said in my last post, we're gonna start focusing on making better fakes rather than renders cos yeah, i know they aren't our talent, other than finding them and putting them in a realistic context.

  15. Very very nice second picture GTAPlayer! I think we all need to start like ps3player said to work on making proper fakes....plus we'll run out of other game screenshots and CGI renders soon!! Like splicing characters from other GTA games or something into better graphics environments, make it funny, y'kno! I'm gonna give it a go anyway....:)

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