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Everything posted by MX_DaNnY

  1. Well at the moment I have removed my ATI Card So I'm running on the one built into the motherboard, But I was researching about my pc. and I'm not sure if I am right But I think it can only take 256mb grphics card, mine is 512mb. But surely if bought a 256mb card I wouldnt be able to run certain games like GTA4 etc... P.S With my default graphics card I cant even run GTA: SA i run the .exe and nothing happens. grrr this annyoing You can resolve that problem by deleting gta_sa.set in GTA SAN ANDREAS USER FILES witch is in C/my documents i think Gl
  2. Just go and buy the original game and u won't have any problems
  3. I choose Sweet cuz he's always down with the hood I like Truth more cuz he is a funny hippy :D
  4. His last words are "' When i'm gone everybody will remember my name...Big Smoke'" Who is LB ?
  5. Nope - Wrong Answer . My question is still open: What is in the Underground Tunnel by Fort Carson? Didn't get your question there,I'm sorry.There is a wanted star in the tunnel Why Ryder didn't finish High School ?
  6. I think the secret tunnel by Fort Carson is a cave. Why Ryder didn't finish High School ? :D
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