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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. I cant understand whats funny. For some reason, Ive think i know Ghost a little bit more then u. Ive been talkin with him daily (almost) in a month. BTW, Not priceless, Pay me 10$ and i can say it again
  2. li3k wtf. Im still here, I still wanna edit videos.
  3. Who the heck aru u? Scary english bastard!
  4. U cant believe how much time ive spent yesterday of searching my older vids on u2b, FF and so on. .. StuntX: Contacted, Check your PM
  5. Say logo... And im not english. So i suck at english, Happy?
  6. The pic? What are the evil guy from Harry Potter talkin about?
  7. Whats the problem of doin two vids at the same time?
  8. No need to post it here. U can send it on MSN or whatever
  9. Yeah sure. And if u can, Send me your skin like this EDIT. Im stupid, Forgot the pic
  10. Do you need some editor for your next movie? Well, Here i am. Ill use Sony Vegas 6.0b Ive been doin editing for 1½ year, Only been editing stunting movies for some months though. -- I can edit all kinds of vid. SA, VC, VCLC but NOT SALC. --- So, If u want me to edit a vid for you. Then post in this topic or leave me a PM and i answer to i. And for some pumpkins out there, Read Ill only edit two or three vids a month Geez, USE REPLAYS. I will NOT edit some movie with your own Frapsed clips I wont edit modded stunts either All from me now, NOTE: In the beginning of the vid, The logo for Godfather Productions will show up. Take it or leave it. Stay nice and obey to me, bye
  11. I can be in if i get some shitty stunt not to use in some other video
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