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Everything posted by Godfather

  1. Cant we nominate Zoomzoom to "The most stupid member of the year" and "Ugliest name of the year"?
  2. PM Advertising about joining a collab aint a good idea.
  3. I know that. Ill still use 2.7.2, It works fine for me so I have no reason to switch.
  4. What Lord Voldemort said. And the registered copy is easy to get, Just ask any moviemaker on MSN.
  5. I dont wanna stop fighting. But fighting DOESNT solves any problems as you typed. Just play the game goddammit! ---- Ill take this as a HOCKEY-topic from now. . My team (Djurgardens IF) won their game last night with 6-1 against one of the best team in the Swedish Elitserien. Im happy ;D
  6. Whoa. Free from school then. Im chattin with a girlfriend (Not my GF.. Well, u know the point) on msn. Her mom has sold her bed. She has nowhere to sleep.
  7. Seriously dude, Why do you use the old 1.9D? Use 2.7.2, its MUCH better.
  8. Well. When im thinkin of this its kinda small. I think it posts a lot more here then on the forum im most active on, And there they are up in 800.268 posts atm
  9. Ill spam for Chris. Nice wheather today ey?
  10. Oh yes. Now I can go to sleep with more unusal information in my overheated brain! Nice attempt to raise your post count But who cares? No, Dont flame the stupid gu(a?)y. He dunno better
  11. I dont see the point. Why would THAT bring more participants? If you are interesting in stunting. Well, Then you check out this section now and then. No announcements. But some friendly commercial in 'Silence ways' would be nice
  12. So? Go and download them. They are called Pricedown, Cage and Diploma if you didnt know
  13. The design is sweet. But the logo is to simple IMO
  14. Our task is to make the best videos u ever seen in your entire life. Slayer, Spam Chris to do some commercial for this shit.
  15. Hell no. Im a PS fanboi 4evah.
  16. Well, I did a paint job on my SNES. It didnt work after it but damn... Its nice now!
  17. Ava. 8/10 Sig. 67/10 - U are member in GLS and a fan of me! -- Pers. He rocks, 98549894/5
  18. Uhm.. I dunno if thats called a stunt
  19. w/e Stop chatting about fonts! MAKE SOME ORDETS TO ME NOW!!
  20. And where is the 'f*** no, I hate them' alternative?
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