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Posts posted by Stojko

  1. I've refreshed, closed the window, as I've said, it's been like it ever since a couple hours after I joined. Since then, I've restarted the computer (obviously) and stuff like that. I'm using Mozilla Firefox 2.0, and yes the main logo works fine.

    Tried loading in Internet Explorer and it worked. =/ But still doesn't in Firefox.

  2. Everyone who is a Grand Theft Auto fan knows who Jack Thompson is. This is a somewhat older article I found on Google when I was casually searching around with his name, and it seems that he's going after The Sims 2 now, as well as Grand Theft Auto. Ha.

    He's stating now that the content in the Sims 2 is actually worse than Hot Coffee, and you know what he's referring to? The blurs that can be taken out with modifications when the Sims are doing things that you do in normal life, ex. using the washroom. I know this has nothing to do with Grand Theft Auto itself, but I figured I'd just post it since this guy is also against the GTA series.

    The sub-headline posted by Gamespot states: "Miami attorney Jack Thompson claims cheat codes make EA's life sim a pedophile's paradise by showing genitalia; calls for ban on T-rated game."

    The article can be read here: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/22/news_6129609.html Post your thoughts on this guy and what he's trying to do to the world of gaming. I know he just doesn't want children and young teenagers to be exposed to this kind of thing, but I thought it would be a good topic for debate in Serious Chat. I'm not aware of any other posting of this particular article on the site, but if it has been posted before, I'm sorry. :)

    There's even some more information on what other things the guy has done on Wikipedia.

  3. Those stupid mails you get from idiots who say "You have to send this mail to 15 people withing 45 minutes after reading this or you will be attacked by the Matrix virus. This Virus has been confirmed by Windows XP". Those idiots don't even know they have to say Microsoft and not Windows XP...
    I hate those chain letters.

    i get those all the time and send it back saying 'this account does not exeit'

    They'd know you typed that then.... because if the email account isn't valid, doesn't this automated email come back with all these details about it saying that?
  4. In-game advertising would definitely be a good way for Rockstar to get some more cash. Like when your driving down the street or whatever, seeing signs for top stores and restaurants and stuff. I wouldn't mind that, but it's not a big deal.

    I hope they release a PC version. It's probably the only way I'm going to be able to get Grand Theft Auto IV. I have a Play Station2 and a PSP, but my next-gen console is going to be a Nintendo Wii so I won't be getting a XBOX 360 or PS3 to play the new Grand Theft Auto games... plus the modifications and everything will definitely enhance the gameplay.

    Referring to the whole "selling violent video games to underage children thing", maybe children that aren't mature enough to understand that they shouldn't go out on the streets and kill people, etc. shouldn't be playing it but I know a good load of people that play Grand Theft Auto, are underage, and haven't thought about that at all. I know there are some teenagers these days like it, but there are also teenagers that know the difference and are mature enough to play the games and I don't really see a harm in them playing it if they understand not to do it in real life, I'm one of them.

    I forgot to comment on the Grand Theft Auto for Nintendo Wii portion of the article, so here goes. I really would like to see GTA for the Wii. Why not do something so it would require and work well with the classic controller? That thing would handle it better than using the Wiimote, or even using the Gamecube Controller. The Wii supports those two standard old-style controllers so I'd say they could customize Grand Theft Auto IV to work with those.

    In conclusion, I really hope there will be either a Wii or PC version of Grand Theft Auto; preferably PC.

  5. Yeah, double post but I'm happy to say The Lounge got its 10,000th post... and I got it. I've got no time to edit my other post right now so here's the pic and it may stretch the page, I'll fix that tomorrow.


    Congrats on making the 10 000th post! :coolthumbup:
  6. Having every subforum out in the open is too cluttered, and makes things harder to find.

    The forum is growing too fast for us too keep everything tucked away in that subforum. One of the reasons they aren't in a subforum is to make things easier to find, it's one less forum to click, saves people time trying to find a topic. The latest post by bit was frequently overridden by having someone else post in one of the other subforums. People would have no idea your topic existed unless they went into that subforum.

    I personally hate it when forums I visit have everything tucked away in subforums. I want all the information presented to me at once.

    Don't think you'll see many big forums using a single subforum for many other forums inside.

    Yeah, I like it this way too. :thumbsup:
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