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Everything posted by 2003

  1. I ain't down with a gta below the 70's. Id like it set in the 70's or 2007. I really hope for 2007.
  2. How would God know? Well, GRAND THEFT AUTO 4: LAS VENTURAS!!!
  3. The New York City of gta is Liberty City.
  4. Acually the owner of the site lives in England and i'm sure him and others here would love to have gta 4 set in Britain. But id Rather have it set in like Las Venturas or berry: Boise or Rio Di Jesus: Rio.
  5. I just usually cruise around and look for hidden packages.
  6. Fresh Prince is ok, he dosen't act like some hardcore gangsta.
  7. They mentioned Tokyo, China once on the VCS radio.
  8. man you want to see David Hasselhoff in a speedo? And yes i've worked out to Sit and Be Fit.
  9. Yeah we have, And i had the name Paradise City for Honolulu, except you didn't like it.
  10. Nah not me its a dumb hick show. But i also like Sit and Be Fit.
  11. You don't know if its going to be London. You can't look into the future. But a good chance it will be Churchill City: London.
  12. Maybe it could take place in Casablanca and it could be called like Tropies Paradys which is african for tropical paradise.
  13. Not only is this my 300th post but this is my 1 month anniversary at TGTAP!! Woo.
  14. Like Ciro maybe. It could be called like Siro.
  15. That might stir up controversy if they make a city called Los Cholos so i don't think its gunna happen a name more like San Alberto is for Mexico City.
  16. I know thats Carlton. Thats a drawing of the Fresh Prince.
  17. How about The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
  18. Man do you even know what Cholos means? Nah i like San Alberto.
  19. Man how many key boards do you have?
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