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Posts posted by 2003

  1. Create a collage of things you enjoy whether that be music, television shows, movies, food, beverages, weapons beliefs etc. The collage size should be 800X700. Have fun and take your time.

    Here's one I created and I might update it from time to time.


    Whats The DX Files... Just wondering.

    I'm just trying to mix in things that I like, The X-Files and the Wrestling group "DX". Degeneration X always spray painted their name "DX" on stuff and I'm just making it look like they did that. I guess only a wrestling fan would understand. Makes it sorta look like "The X-Files" logo I have in my collage was on a wall and a DX member walked by and noticed the "X" in it and spray painted the D right in front of it...basically it's a joke.

    Anyways, I hope you're working on a collage of your own. It's pretty fun to do.

    Actually, i'm a big fan of wrestling. I'll make one.

  2. Create a collage of things you enjoy whether that be music, television shows, movies, food, beverages, weapons beliefs etc. The collage size should be 800X700. Have fun and take your time.

    Here's one I created and I might update it from time to time.


    Whats The DX Files... Just wondering.

  3. Lonley Hearts ON WCTR

    Q. What car spawns outside Katie Zhan's house?

    Actually no, its Gardening with Maurice

    EDIT: I guess a Tanker, i don't think i remember Shady Industries is

    Who is this?


    A: Maurice Chavex

    B: Adam First

    C: Pastor Richards

  4. Hy all my name is Nandi and I have just joined...

    and I have a question two...

    can someone give me a save after the mission wen you must protect diaz because i have gta vice city ultimatemod...there is something wrong...because when diaz is coming in the car...that car is with 2 doors in this mod and here ist he problem ddiaz is comming with 2 bodyguards and when he get out from the car one of the bodyguard kill him...because the second guard come`s out from the car were diaz get out...

    If you understand or not...I don`t realy care...just give me a save file after that mission

    Hello NandY, and welcome :).

  5. Ugh... No, what they did was make it look as if the explosion was live, but like i said, they taped the explosion last saturday night, then on Monday night right after Vince got into his car they played the explosion. He never got out on the other side of the limo.

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