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Everything posted by CeeKay

  1. K, so I got a wild hair up my bum yesterday to start playing GTA:SA again... I wanted to cruise around in all my wicked awesome cars (mostly downloaded from here. )... So, I reinstall off an iso (CD got screwed up, and I'm hella glad I backed it up)... I started playing, and really the only error I got (this has happened since fresh install) was that the sound would occasionally be too quiet, or not be there at all... That never bothered me, because there are subtitles. This, however, bothered me... After a little bit of playing and cruising around, I ended up trying to get into the LS airport by the usual means of either ramping a car off the slanted car hauler truck, or bunny-hopping at the right spot... I ended up cruising around for the slanted car hauler, and I hit the highway, and the game suddenly went into warp-mode... Instead of the clock's minutes going by seconds, it was going at least 2-3 times faster... This happens in a bunch of different spots on the map, and inside buildings. The clock literally zooms past. I can stand in a hot-spot outside and watch an entire in-game day zoom by in a matter of around 3-5 minutes. It's very annoying to be driving, and all of a sudden, you're warped 600 meters down the road, and into the back of a really large, really hard vehicle. :\ Does anyone know what my problem is? Could the ISO be screwed up? I tried reinstalling, and this happened on an unmodded version (I was going into the airport to look for plane names to mod, actually. ) Thanks, - CK
  2. CeeKay


    Haven't been around for a looong while. Anyway, I'm looking to modify the tattoos. They are just too monotonous for me... Anyway, what are the files for the tattoo textures in the .img? (or at least the beginning file name, so I can pinpoint the location...) Thanks, - CK
  3. Okay, that tells us how to make the car shapes... Now how do we convert them to a GTA:SA usable file, how do we do damage, how are the doors and trunk and hood and glass made to work, and how do we retexture it into a .txd that is readable by GTA:SA?? - CK
  4. 1970 Challenger, MiG-15, Yamaha R1... All from here, I believe... [Edit] I did have the new version Ford GT40 from here installed for like 10 minutes... I uninstalled because the wheels were horribly disproportionate, it had hydraulics, and the tuning was horribly done... Think that could have had anything to do with it?[/edit]
  5. I got a bug in the mission where the cops order you to throw molotovs through the windows of some house, and then you have to save the chick from the burning building... Once I get to the upstairs bedroom, the game freezes... It acts like it's going into a movie, but just stops once it hits black... I have the PC version, I believe V.1, because I added a few car and plane mods... They all work fine, it's not them... Anyone ever had this problem? - CK
  6. They have a damn nice looking AK! No FALs, but some nice weapons (waffen) and a nice (organized) collection of vehicles as well! (Along with the '70 Roadrunner I asked Rade0N about in the VC forums. )<it's labeled as a '68, though...> Also, ich sprechen eine wenig deutsch. - CK
  7. Ya know, I love GTA and all, but Rockstar just ain't got their head in the right direction... The CAR-15/AR-15/M16 just doesn't cut it... I can't take this .223 caliber stuff... Give me a 7.62mm (.308 Winchester) FAL any day... Which leads me to my request... Would someone make/teach me how to make an FAL rifle for SA? Preferably Paratrooper style with the skeleton stock? (Pics can be seen here, here, here, and here...) Thanks in advance, - CK
  8. Well, I'm almost there... I just need some help... 1. How do I export it from Zenoza (zmodeler) to a GTA3 format? 2. How do I do the fenders, bumpers, hood (bonnet), trunk (boot) lid, and doors to move and fall off with damage? 3. Do I need to build the windows a certain way? 4. Engine bay and engine texture thinger: I have to add another few faces for that too, don't I? Thanks in advance, - CK
  9. How about we just make a pinned thread with all the websites for GTA mods and tools listed, and add on from there when more sites pop up, and add a notice when sites go down? Just a thought, - CK
  10. Pretty basic... Where do I start? What programs would you (the experts) reccomend? Also, what packing/unpacking programs do you all use? (eg. taking the model pack apart to get it into a 3D modeling program, or the textures to photoshop) Thanks - CK
  11. Here's a REAL test for an expert.... 1. Isuzu Impulse XS or RS 2. Isuzu Impulse JR (old-school version), VW Scirroco would work... 3. Isuzu Stylus 4. '57 Chevy Stepside 5. Lotus Elan M100 6. 1970 Roadrunner (not the '71 for GTA3). Ready? GO!!!! - CK
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