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Southern America

K9 Krew

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i know people are giving ideas or where they think GTA IV is gonna be located but gta hasnt really done a "Dirty South" themed game so this is what im thinkin.

Location-Somewhere that resembles new orleans

Citizens-crackheads,people with grillz,etc.

Vehicles-old school chevys,buicks, etc. sittin high on some daytons driving down tha street and another good thing would be to have every car look different as in some may have scratches rust,then a minute later u see one goin down the street like it just drove off a lot, then u see one thats totally "pimped out"

Missions-you should be able to sell drugs in this gta to make money,although not like the Scarface system because that was a little complicated and could piss u off quickly, but of course youll have those classic gta style missions(take so and so here, drive there, kill him ,drive back etc.)

Main character- FULL CUSTOMIZATION for example- able to choose your characters voice-Race-Height-and of course his appearance.

please post back what ya think

P.S sorry for the bad grammer but i typnig fast

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Wu-Zi-Mu some pretty damn nice ideas but shouldn't this belong to the Wishlist topic or something? Anyways man yeah that's some nice ideas, except for the customization thing. Now I don't want you to customize your main character in the beginning of the game, I don't know man, I want it just like it was before, know what I'm saying. But I'm not saying the customization is a bad idea, I've said this before and I think it could be great if GTA IV is going to have online play. So before you start off playing online you create your own character from the scratch, you should be able to change everything man... Otherwise some pretty nice ideas.

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