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  • 2 weeks later...

You didn't say if you had SA V1 or V2. If you have V2 (no hot coffee), you'll have to down grade before you do this.

To get this sorted, look in the forum for SA DOWNGRADER. I can't be much help as I'm running V1 (with all the naughty bits!), but someone here should be able to get this sorted.

IMG tool opens the GTA3.IMG file of your game, a HUGE file (896 meg) that contains all the models used in your game. I can not stress this enough, READ THE README that comes with the tool!

If you still want to install the sub -


IMG edits aren't bad as long as you follow the directions, there are several tools to choose from.

Good luck.

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Ok, the easiest way to do it as far as i know is to get SAMI. it automaticly installs mods for you really fast, all you have to do is download and save the file, then SAMI can run you thru the rest easy. I think SAMI is downloadable in the GTA San Andreas sub section of tools, if not that try mods or other ones. Before I got SAMI the sub didnt work at all, it was just a dinghy that was submerged and could only move down and it didnt work at all.

P.S. even tho the submarian sounds cool it really isnt, there are some probems with it, one is that you cant use it in the Boat School because its not fast enough and goes under the checkpoints, another is that it is sorta slow and hard to turn, but it is good if your trying to get things under water because you can go underwater, push Reutrn, and even tho your underwater you can breath there and restore your breath, thats probebly the best feature.

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