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language problems...


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my gta sa is russian i dont understand it and i cant change it to english!(problem one) and second problem is my friend f&¤%#d my controls up the leans wont work! could someone show me pictures how to go to the button select and a pic of it so i know where are the leans please help ... i want to be a stunter but i cant beacause of the leans :(

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Well, i cant give you pictures, but i can tell ya detailed how to do it:

Start the game.

Go to "Options" in this little menu, at the start screen.

Go to "language Options", There should all the languages be, and as your game is in Russian, it should say something like:

Options = Опционы.

Language Options = Языковые Опционы.

You should click in the one that says "Английский" (wich is English).

Hope it helped :)

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