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Hidden Pedestrians


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After some digging in various files of the game and doing some testing, I want to let everyone interested know what I've found... There are several pedestrians that can be added to the streets of San Andreas! No fancy modding required cuz they're already in the game. It's just that it looks like Rockstar disabled them in the final release of GTA-SA.

There are 3 that I've unlocked and they are: a Preacher, a Pimp and a Lifeguard.

Unlocking them only requires loading the 'pedgrp.dat' file into Notepad (or similar) and adding the following text in the proper areas. (The file is located at [Drive]:\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data).

The Lifeguard - Add the word WMYLG to the group of peds in the line that ends with # POPCYCLE_GROUP_BEACHFOLK

(Add him here because it's the only sensible spot and where he belongs - the beach)

The Pimp - Add the word BMYPIMP to the group of peds in any one or more of the lines # POPCYCLE_GROUP_CASUAL_RICH or AVERAGE or POOR

(I chose to add him only to the poor group of peds in LS but if you want to see him everywhere go ahead)

The Preacher - Add the word WMOPREA to the group of peds in any one or more of the same lines as the Pimp

(I added him to the average areas of all 3 cities. Choose where you want)

Once you're done adding them, save the file, boot up the game and watch for them to appear in the areas you've set! No other editing is required cuz they're already set up in other game files... Also know that in the case of the lifeguard and the preacher, they even have dialogue! The preacher is pretty funny especially... To hear him, bump into him or make like you're going to run him over and he'll spout,"Curse you, devil!" among other things. Do the same to hear the lifeguard. I could NOT get the pimp to say anything though. Even though it looked like his audio was intact according to one file, it must be blank or something. I haven't looked into it any further than that. I just wanted to see what would happen and when they showed on the streets, I was done! The pimp and preacher will also drive various vehicles. The lifeguard I'll leave for you to discover for yourselves what he does.

So there you have it... My contribution for the day! Enjoy!

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Nice, I'll add them today.

Good work.

Thanks! BTW, I meant to try and include a pic of them but after all the typing I forgot. Plus I'm pretty new to that sort of thing. Anyway, I'll give it a shot here and see what comes out...


Alright! There you go! Can you tell me if there's any way to center an image?

Edited by rockstarrem
Centered image.
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Yeah, there, I edited it for you, just use the center tag, so like:


Ah! Thanks for the tip... I'd seen the center tag in the BB code help but thought it only applied to text. Will have to try it later. Learn something every day!

Radion: Well, I don't know how they're enabled in your game?! It may depend on what version you're running or what mods you installed. I have V2 downgraded to V1 and in the default files, they're disabled. Bonus for you if you don't have to play around with them, I guess. <_<

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Confirmed, they work in SA PC V1. First time I saw any of them.

Dumbass preacher did the backwards jump in front of my bike, he seems to carry a little more money than other peds.

I take it that you mean you 'accidentally' ran him over! LOL I haven't tried or seen any of them get wasted yet so I'll take yer word on the cash thing. Always funny when they do that ass-backward jump... Kinda looks like they're about to dive into water. Too bad Rockstar didn't fix that little bug - it was the same in Vice City too.

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Well the pimp was in my game from before, but appeared very rarely, and for some reason the preacher never talks...

I guess there must be some variations in one or more of the other pedestrian files. All I know is I'd never seen them until I made the changes. And as for "the preacher never talks", I think the only time he will is if you force him to jump out of your way. He doesn't stop to chat with other people on the street, if that's what you mean. At least, I haven't seen him do it yet.

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