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Can't save game progress


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Ok...i got GTA SA 2nd edituion thinking it was similar to the 1st...i was wong...i tried to download some mods i found but the gsme stalled out during the loading...then i found the dowgrader...i backed up all my 2nd edition files then used the downgrader....i can use the mods and stuff...BUT...when i enter CJ's house near the first mission my computer suddenly restarts itself and i never get past that part...please tell me what i can do to correct this problim befor i go insane.

Update. Actually forget this post...i reinstalled the game with NO MODS...the game stalled out 3 time at beginning level...i am taking it back as soon as i can to get my money back...


Edited by Drgn228
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It is one of those HP media center PCs....it as a DVD+RW and an Intell Pentium 4 precessor....and it has Windows XP home edition...it isen't but maybe 4 years old so it sould be able to handle most games made now a days....i still say it is the game...not my PC

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Common PPL....i canme here asking help...SO WHERE IS THE HELP...i have a legit copy of GTA SA...and it doesen't seem to work no matter what i do...i have tried deleating all the files the reloading it...no luck....i have tried getting rid f that gta_sa file thing...no luck...hell...i even switched it to run from windows 2000...STILL no luck...so..what am i dooing wrong...i need help befor it drives me off the deep end and i wind up distroying the disk myslef.

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