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My calculations of electric power'd car


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800* divided by 50** = 16 charges / month

10c / kilowatt; 11 hour charge per 50 miles = $1.10 / charge

16 charges / month = $17.60 a month;

200 charges and uncharges per battery pack

16 charges / month will last 12.5 months

$1500 / year for batteries

12.5 months of charging = $220

$1720 / year to run

* 800 miles driven a month

** 50 miles on one charge

Based on a 'home made' electric car that was once a gas powered. Interesting huh?

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If I get 400/tank out of my car, $2200 a year, saying gas is 3.80 a gallon, and yes it fluctuates, but it's a decent estimate. Granted, I don't drive that much anymore (no school) but maintenance like, air filter, spark plugs, plug wires... those add up very quick. And 400 out of a tank is seriously pushing it, like, mostly highway

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