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Make any car you want indistrutable

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Sorry, this is old but I was just on gamespot and was looking in the speacial veihcle list and came across this

Credit goes to noisyassassin, GTA_Loco, and people in this topic:



Dating with any of the girlfriends.

In the previous series of GTA, this type of comprehensive armoring would

only be assigned to a single or a few of the vehicles involved in a given

main story mission.

GTA4 however introduces a different twist on this, in that you can

actually unlimitedly “manufacture” or create this type of armoring on

practically any type of vehicle that you desire to be CP.

The trick itself of unlimitedly creating some armoring on a vehicle isn’t

new at all given that in San Andreas and Vice City Stories you can

basically do the same. However, in those series you can bestow on a

vehicle only one or a couple of rather insignificant armoring, namely

Explosionproof in VCS and EP/FP in San Andreas, whereas in GTA4 you can

create the best type of armoring that you can have.

You don’t even have to do any main story missions to perform this, as

what it would involve only is to date any of your girlfriends whenever

any or all of them is/are available already. This rather unimportant

activity in the game and one that was largely ignored in SA now has a

crucial role in providing you with comprehensiveproof vehicles that can

be of valuable use useful for you.

Your first opportunity to date a girlfriend will be with Michelle, right

after the mission “First Date”. Eventually, when you have logged online,

you will be able to meet Carmen, Alex, and Kiki also. Much later on as you

unlock the characters of the McReary brothers, Kate, another girlfriend

will also appear.


Prior to dating your girlfriend, you must have a pistol, submachinegun, or


The trick here is to scare your girlfriend while she’s with you in the

car that will lead her to abandon your date. This is what will make the

vehicle you’re using to become CP. For whatever reasons, this armoring

will be acquired by the vehicle after your girfriend has dumped you.

Except for Michelle, you don’t need to have a successful date first with

the others before you can make the trick work.

So to make a CP vehicle then, you must call on any of your available

girlfriend and arrange for a date. Or if anyone of them calls you, go out

with her. Now choose any type of vehicle that you’d like to make CP and

drive over to your girlfriend’s place. Once she’s onboard already and

you’re supposedly on your way to a place, just fire a single shot to scare

her. After the cut scene where it shows your girlfriend abandoning you,

the vehicle you’re driving will become CP. Just save it in your parking

spot afterwards.

This is the only way found so far to make a vehicle CP. If you scare your

girlfriend in any other ways, your vehicle will remain normal. Try to

space out your failed dates also, so as not to have any difficulty in

inviting her to go out again should you wish to CP more vehicles.

However, there may be times when this trick wouldn’t work with certain

types of vehicles. It may be a case of glitch or the armoring can’t simply

be bestowed on those vehicles.

Take note however that Michelle would be gone for good after you’ve

completed the mission “Snow Storm” where she’ll reveal her true self.

Additionally, Kate will be unavailable after the final mission, regardless

of whether you choose Deal or Revenge. The only ones that can be dated

again in case something goes terribly wrong, are the internet based ones

Carmen, Alex, and Kiki.

NOTE: If you attempt to do Police side-missions with a CP'd vehicle, it

will remove its proofings. You can always re-apply them afterwards, but

just be aware that you can't use them during the mission.

NOTE 2: These vehicles seem prone to vanishing from parking spots while

saving them. Be aware you may need to attempt it multiple times to

acquire all properties, or to successfully save the properties.

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