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Autistic Spectrum Disorder...


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Anybody apart from me here affected by it in some way, have it yourself or a member of your family affected by it...Or are you just interested in the subject?

Well, here you can become more aware of this mental illness if you want to, and if you don't want to, then don't read the topic.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder is a term to describe the many autism related mental illness' people suffer from, there's actually quite a lot, I suffer from one of the main three, which is Pervasive Development Disorder, it affects me in lots of ways, most of them I've been taught to control and cover up, but some of them I still have problems with, like getting confused and angry(probably caused by, but tied in with it), not being able to interact with people well, like social things, and not being able to make eye contact and taking things how they're said exactly. I probably don't even know some of the things I do. But those are basically the traits of autistic people you'd find around you usually in everyday life.

Even for people who aren't serverely autistic, you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to fit in with normal life with normal people, but it's helped by people who make a few small changes that barely affect them to accomedate for people like me, usually this is the case, but some people think they don't have to help anyone, and wreck my life, and probably everyone else I know who's autistic.

It's not all bad though really, I enjoy who I am and enjoy it with people who accept me for what I'm like, it's only a disability when people make fun of it and try to avoid helping me...

Anyway, anyone else up for saying anything...Probably no one, but you never know...Just wondered if anyone else was suffering from it...

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I sort of know what you have to deal with. The beginning of my senior year I got this weird rash all over my stomach, chest, neck, butt cheeks, you name it. Then for some reason, at the same time I got this rash, I wasn't able to think straight and easily got confused with random things.

The one time I went to go get my folder for my one class and couldn't find it in the bin. Then I went to look in my book bag and I couldn't find it there either. I sat there and thought about where it could have gone for 10 minutes and remembered that I took it home and assumed I left it there, but then I went to check the bin again and it was sitting right on top...confused the hell outta me.

That whole thing lasted for a week or two and then things returned back to normal and I was able to think clearly.

So I sort of know what you have to deal with, but not to the extent of it being an every day thing.


Have you had this all your life or did you get it later on? If so, when?

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Can't remember being any different, then when I was 7 I got diagnosed with ADHD, then like a few years ago, everyone was getting really tired of me apprently getting into trouble at school, and there must of been a reason for it, some doctors thought if I had that, then I would probably have ASD, so they did a test on me, and said I had it, so then I left that school and went to another one where they accept people like me. I probably don't seem as bad as I am on here, but I don't have to be face to face with anybody here.

That isn't really what I have to deal with, it's not the kind of confusion you'd be thinking of.

This doesn't mean I'm a 'vegetable' either.

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Can't remember being any different, then when I was 7 I got diagnosed with ADHD, then like a few years ago, everyone was getting really tired of me apprently getting into trouble at school, and there must of been a reason for it, some doctors thought if I had that, then I would probably have ASD, so they did a test on me, and said I had it, so then I left that school and went to another one where they accept people like me. I probably don't seem as bad as I am on here, but I don't have to be face to face with anybody here.

That isn't really what I have to deal with, it's not the kind of confusion you'd be thinking of.

This doesn't mean I'm a 'vegetable' either.

So what kind of confusion?

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Usually I don't like answering if someone doesn't say my name first.

At school, the autistic spectrum disorder unit in school try to get the teachers to speak perfectly clear to me so I know what to do, and I have support assistants to help me in my classes when I'm confused about what I have to do, I just don't like how people assume that I'm a thick vegetable because I have someone to help me. They're not so bad though, because they treat me like their friend.

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i think i'm autistic.

although i'm not sure about this, but i do have some social problems, like i can't make many friends... i'm very quiet when i'm in public and with the absence of my buddies.

If you have problem making friends because you're shy without your buddies...then how did you become friends with your buddies?

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I have trouble looking people in the eye when they speak.

I also don't go to well meeting new people.. But that's probably just me.

for me its normal to have some problem in looking to other people's eyes, especially to my crushes.

but sometimes the cause is lack of self confidence.

@ Harwood Butcher : yeah i can make friends but not MANY friends... i mean, i can't have fun or talk something interesting with people who have different personalities with me.

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harwood butcher, huh? ur dyslexic, seriously? i thought dyslexic meant youcouldnt write as i have a dyslexic friend who cant read or write

and as for unnamed noodle, im the same, except when it comes to meeting new people i act very arrogant so i dont have 2 see them again, i have this 'key worker' person who tries to get me to go and meet new people i refuse, all of the time

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