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Thinking of trying out for Royal Marines...


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Ok well when I'm old enough I'm thinking of taking this course in Edinburgh for people who want to join the Royal Marines. I've had this idea for a while now so I'm starting to take it seriously. I posted this here because I wanted some advice from you guys who might know more about it than I do.

Not too sure what else to say but thanks for helping out.

Royal Marines Recruitment Video:

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The marines are insanely tough guys. And a lot less self-loving than the US Marine Corps.

Have you got any military experience? Cadets or family or anything? It's gonna be pretty tough, so you have to know what you're letting yourself in for.

I almost got into the RAF as an Officer, but after going through several phases of the selection, couldn't do it at the last minute for a technical reason. I'm intending to join the Royal Navy as an Officer instead, which is gonna be pretty awesome.

EDIT: I just got an email saying there's a live chat today from RM Captain Paul Barden.

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Not sure how many members of the military we have here, but I know aemboy15 is in the US Army. But he hasn't been here for nearly a month now, he may have been deployed. Either way he probably wouldn't know much about the Royal Marines so I dunno why I said that :P

I remember when they used to have that advert on TV some years ago. I always thought it looked fucking epic, but a military career just doesn't really interest me, strangely, since I love war films :/

Anyway I think it would be pretty awesome if you did do it. I say go for it.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the bump! I thought nobody posted in this topic. It's been over a month since I posted this topic and I've learnt a lot more about this. The boarding school I'm going to in Edinburgh has after-school activities such as cadet training etc. Looks really good.

And when I pass College I don't know if I'll go to uni, might just join the territorial army for a year and see if I like it. If I do then I might apply.

Thanks for the advice guys, appreciate it.

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