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  Urbanoutlaw said:
That's probably exactly what it is.

Or a mod (if used) is having an unexpected effect...

Or a cheat (again, if used)...

Or R* intentionally made this randomly show up to screw w/ people....

I've never used any cheats or mods for IV.

Strange. Especially since nobody else seems to have had it happen to them. Maybe Rockstar really are trying to screw with our minds!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Come on, R* doesn't 'want to screw with our minds' ! lol There was a glitch 100%, the algoritm/function lol within' the game calculate wrong the amount the stars that whas given to you in that moment, or your pc was 'thinking at sex' at that time, and made the game act like that, I think this problem should be forgoten and next time be more carefull, when you run and see a 'fatso' on the street don't run on him, slow down and see if he is a cop :)) I didn't have that problem, I'm on ps3, I even run on some cops some times and I didn't got any star, but I run 1 time, 2 MAX lol Btw: you can make 'more light' in Liberty City, twit the settings, and you should be able to see better!

Edited by Drix
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