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Mod idea


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Hi now before I start :bashhead: trying to figure this out on my own I want some help.

Here are my ideas:

1.Weapon dealers on the street:With this I simply put wepon dealers on the street to deal you wepons insted of just in the stores that is whats going on with the wepon dealers.

2.Muttagens:Muttagens are drugs that give the following abilitys;Flying,super strength,laser vison invisibility(no one can see you without heat vission goggles),telepathy,body snatching.

3.Car Shops: more places to buy cars.

4.Car Armory:Here you can put the fallowing on your car:First turet weapons;Gatling gun,missile launcher,cannon,rocket launcher,water cannon.2nd dary weapons;gatling gun, rocket launcher, and somthing I call roar.3rd branch weapons; flame thrower, mine droper, and an EMP. Smash wepons spikes,saws,and smash&boom. Then some NPC things platforms that have gaurds of your choice carrying weapons of your choice,Ramps,anti roll,bullet proof, explosion proof, crash proof,stash up to five weapons,stash up to six bribes,stash armor, and floats.

5.Uped prices

6.Hire body gards

7.minamum stars 2

8.easyly provoked peds

9.Lessend trafic

10.only sand storm and clear weather

11.REAL time not Super speed time

12.Can take more than one Girlfriend on dates

13.no worrying about other girlfriends on dates

Now if any one has other ideas,Advice on how to code my ideas,or if you want to make models to go with my mod idea please replie. Thanks!

Edited by Raysk9
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  Raysk9 said:
5.Uped prices

I'm not a good modder, but I do know this one. Go to Program Files/ Rockstar Games/ GTA San Andreas/ Data/ shopping.dat - copy this to your desktop (if you are using vista, if not just leave it there). Now right click it, and select open with... and choose Notepad. You have a list of all Car Mods and Clothes, and you have to options to:

Change The Respect given by the Parts/Clothes

Change The Sex Appeal of the Parts/Clothes

Change the Store that clothes are sold at

Change the Prices of Parts/Clothes

When you are done click save, and move it back to Program Files/ Rockstar Games/ GTA San Andreas/ Data/ shopping.dat (if you moved it before).

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