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10 Random Questions to Vote on


10 Random Questions to Vote On  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Dell or HP

    • Dell
    • HP
  2. 2. IPOD or Zune

    • Zune
    • IPOD
  3. 3. Blu-Ray or HD-DVD

    • Blu-Ray
    • HD-DVD
  4. 4. American Football or Soccer

    • American Football
    • Soccer
  5. 5. Speed or Capacity

    • 750GB 7200rpm Hard Drive
    • RAID 0 240GB 10k rpm Hard Drive
  6. 6. Frequency or Cores

    • 2.4 GHz Quad Core Processor
    • 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
  7. 7. PS3 or XBOX 360

    • PS3
    • XBOX
  8. 8. Operating System

    • Windows (Any)
    • Mac (Any)
    • Linux (Any)
  9. 9. Video Quality

    • 1280 x 1024 24 bit @ 50 Hz
    • 1024 x 768 32 bit @ 85 Hz
  10. 10. HDTV Technology

    • Plasma
    • LCD

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I tried to vote, but apparently I have to vote on ALL the questions, and quite frankly Dell and HP BOTH suck, I'd rather have a Creative Zen MP3 player, DVDs are just fine with me, not interested in sports at all, however I chose the higher capacity at the lower speed because the higher capacity will help with speed, and I'd like to be able to use the space, I'd rather have the four cores because it equals out to more power, in OS's I like Windows because I'm use to it((and compatibility etc)), but I'd love a Mac, 1024x768 is fine with me, and LCD is way better than plasma, in my opinion((cheaper, too, I think)).

I tried to vote, but apparently I have to vote on ALL the questions, and quite frankly Dell and HP BOTH suck, I'd rather have a Creative Zen MP3 player, DVDs are just fine with me, not interested in sports at all, however I chose the higher capacity at the lower speed because the higher capacity will help with speed, and I'd like to be able to use the space, I'd rather have the four cores because it equals out to more power, in OS's I like Windows because I'm use to it((and compatibility etc)), but I'd love a Mac, 1024x768 is fine with me, and LCD is way better than plasma, in my opinion((cheaper, too, I think)).

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First one was easy, well for me at least. HP. I've never had a problem with their customer service or the quality of their products. I owned a Dell previously though and it somehow managed to die on me. I prefer iPod, I can't wait to get my iTouch. Blu-Ray won the format war ages ago, that's why I voted Blu-Ray but I prefer DVD. Streaming media is the way to go these days, but if I really like a movie, I'll buy it on DVD. American football is a pussy sport, that's why they need that protective padding. I much prefer REAL FOOTBALL. Storage doesn't matter a lot to me, I probably wouldn't even use half of the 750GB, that's why I chose the 640. Quad core FTW, you could easily overclock a quad to 3.2GHz with a good cooler. PS3, probably because I own one but I think this 10 year cycle Sony have planned is BULLSHIT. Technology is advancing much quicker than it did before and MS will most likely release the Xbox 720 in 2 years. The Cell will be soooo outdated in 10 years. I chose Windows, primarily because I've used it all my life although I wouldn't mind having a Mac.

1024x768 suits me fine. Besides, I play SA at that res with no problems. 1280x1024 is nicer however I'd much rather have better colour than a higher resolution. LCD's last much longer than plasma's, but they will both be replaced by OLED and other stuff.

Edited by GTA Don
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Dell (But I'd rather build my own)


Blu-Ray (Higher Capacity)

American Football (I play both, but enjoy watching football more)

640GB 10k rpm Hard Drive (I'd never even use 100, love performance)

2.5GHz Quad Core Processor (I like multitasking)



1280x1024 24 bit 50Hz


Edited by raybob95
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640GB 10k rpm Hard Drive (I'd never even use 100, love performance)

..... If you'd never use 100GBs, then you'd get good performance out of the 750. And if you're such a multitasker, how do you not have a lot of shit on your computer?

I do, but most of my programs are stuff like Firefox, Google Earth, Microsoft Word, etc., that don't take up a ton of space.

When I multitask, I mean like, encoding IPOD Video, Surfing the web, getting directions on google earth, and playing GTAVC to test a new mod at the same time. I would do more, but my PC can't even handle that.

That takes a good hard drive.

Edited by raybob95
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Actually, it more-so takes good RAM. But, you do realize bigger capacity = more speed, right? That's just simple mechanics.

Which is exactly why I went with 8GB DDR2 1066 RAM (Soon to be OC'd to 1200 :dribble: ), and even considered 12GB at one point.

And I've actually decided on a Samsung 7200RPM 1TB Drive.

Edited by raybob95
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